Wednesday, 23 August 2017

22/8/17: Thai 4 and 6 counts, hubud variations and entries to take downs

All glory be heaped on Adam for taking the time to produce the notes from the class.

Thai 4 counts:
General tips: Stand more square so all tools are available, hands high/double pillar, elbows in, on balls of feet, hips up
1)      Off jab – Catch the jab and reply with jab, cross, lead round kick, rear round kick
2)      Off jab cross- Catch Jab and cross with rear hand, then reply with jab, cross, lead round kick (low), switch lead round kick (high)
Thai 6 count: (emphasis is driving forwards at all times)
Off Jab – lead hand scoop (need hands high) and simultaneous lead round kick (come off line as you do the scoop and kick), cross, hook, rear elbow into rear knee (half beat motion don’t grab opponent just keep hands up and keep driving forward) when you plant your foot after the knee you’ll be in a right lead, stretch and hammerfist/push with left hand (target the neck) and step forward, driving your opponent backwards, so you are now back into a left lead stance. Keep pulsing/hitting with left hand and finish with rear thai round kick
Hubud variations:
Parry repost: Back hand/chop strike, stop with rear hand, replace and pak with other hand then reach for neck, opponent will do an inside sweep motion to parry hand away (they will be on the inside line) and chop/backhand with the same hand… repeat cycle as above by stopping the hit with rear hand, pak with other hand and then reach for the neck (e.g. stop with right hand, pak with left, reach with right) etc.
We also worked on basic hubud and flowing between standard hubud and parry repost (looking for reference points in order to change) eg from standard hubud: reach for neck, block with lead hand (fingers pointing to eye), other hand goes under and pushes arm across, then you pak the arm to remove the barrier. When you Pak the elbow that is your reference point. Instead of continuing with normal hubud you do the back hand strike at that point. So full flow would be something like:  reach, block, parry across, pak, backhand strike, stop with rear hand, pak with other hand, reach, inside sweep, backhand, stop with rear hand, pak with other hand, reach etc… there are loads of reference points you can have and just takes playing with to work out and feel the changes.
Some of us played with normal hubud, punching hubud, parry repost and lop sau cycle (at which point the brain goes cross eyed and you just have to use the force and trust your muscle memory!)
Entries to take downs:
Off jab – split entry/slap ear, use rear leg to hook opponent lead leg (driving down) and simultaneously forearm smash (like you are driving their shoulder backwards) to off balance and take them down
Off jab – rear hand parry, lead hand eye strike (goes over their arm). As eye strike hand comes back grab the wrist by sliding down the arm and simultaneously throw a cross. Then dumog drag on the arm (make sure you have their palm up so you can drag into the crook of the arm) pulling them to you and move into a figure 4 wrist lock (hitting with elbow and walking forward for the “throw”)
Off jab cross – Catch, cut punch (make sure you turn the head), go into 2 on one arm break(?), arm pit just above elbow, drive body weight down, control wrist with both hands (lifting it up) and can also add a wrist lock for more control/damage.
I think that’s everything. We drilled them lots and as always if there are any points I have missed or made mistakes on please feel free to add/change

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