Thursday, 17 August 2017

15/8/17: stick and knife

A massive thanks to Adam for the notes from the lesson.

This one was a little complex but great fun. Each element a progression from the previous element:


1) back hand jab into a Redondo (straight down the middle) – don’t bring the jab all the way back, use the bounce to start the Redondo.
2) back hand jab, Redondo, angle 2 backhand

1) forehand jab (that is like an angle three hit aimed at the side?) into Redondo (same tips as above)
2) forehand jab, Redondo, angle 1 forehand strike

Stick and footwork

1) Step forward with right foot but have body twisted towards the right (so your left hip is in front… you are crossing your legs over) – forehand jab, Redondo and the as you do a forehand angle 1 follow through and twist/pivot your feet so your body is now facing the left. The step forward with left foot but keep your right hip in front – backhand jab, Redondo and then as you do back hand angle 2 follow through and twist your feet so your body is now facing the right… repeat over and over moving forward all the time
2) Step Back with your left keeping left hip in front – forehand jab, Redondo then as you do forehand angle 1 follow through and pivot/twist your feet so your body is facing right. Then Step back with right leg, keep right hip forward – backhand jab, Redondo, then as you do angle 2 follow through and pivot so you face the left… repeat…
3) Then combine by going forward a bit ad then backwards so you get reps in.

Stick and knife and footwork (the pattern is exactly the same as above but you are adding a knife strike. Keep knife resting on chest point to target like a darlek!)

1) Step forward with right leg (as above) – forehand jab, Redondo THEN stab with knife (your stick comes back to rest on your shoulder) as you pull back knife do angle 1 strike follow through and pivot (as above). Now step forward with left leg – backhand jab, Redondo THEN as the Redondo is moving downward stab over it and bring the stick under your arm. As you bring the knife straight back do an angle 2 backhand follow through and pivot (as above)
2) The same motion but with stepping back footwork
3) Combine moving forward a few times then moving backwards

Extra knife stab

1) Step forward with right leg – forehand jab, Redondo THEN stab with knife (your stick comes back to rest on your shoulder) as you pull back knife do angle 1 strike follow through and pivot BUT as soon as your body is facing left add another stab (going over your stick) and return knife to chest you should now be ready to flow straight into next part which is: step forward with left leg – backhand jab, Redondo THEN as the Redondo is moving downward stab over it and bring the stick under your arm. As you bring the knife straight back do an angle 2 backhand follow through and pivot BUT as soon as your body is facing right add another stab and return to your chest (the idea is to go SLOWLY through this but the extra stab helps you to continually flow…. (once your body knows what it’s doing!)
2) The same motions but stepping back
3) Combine moving forward a few times then moving backwards

Stick and knife defence 1

1) Opponent hits you with angle 1 stick – you punch through with your stick and follow through hitting partner in head with stick. Pull back using punyo to hook partner stick and simultaneously stab partner in ribs under the arm. Slide your hooking hand back to hold partners stick (as you do step back) out your knife hand over the TOP of partners arm and bush off… stabbing then in belly as you do!

2) As above as you go to strip then stab you with their knife – block/hit knife arm with your stick and simultaneous stab belly, then reach your knife hand OVER your stick, punch their knife arm down and into them and as you do follow through and stab them (your knife hand will be under their arm now… then move to zero pressure hitting with stick and knife as you do)

Stick and knife defence 2

1) Partner hits with angle 1 - crash in with roof block into vine (use the knife hand to graze opponents eyes as you wrap round) and move off then as you do this would lead to a disarm. BUT they have a knife so the go to stab you in the belly. AS your stick is high you drop stick down onto their arm. Then use your knife hand to grab/“pinch” their knife hand (moving off line), your blade cutting their wrist, disarm using your forearm then upper cut motion with stick under their arm to hit them in the face and then either go into an arm break/choke and zero pressure and keep hitting!

There was probably a lot more and a load of finer points but that is the main jist I think. GO SLOW and FLOW

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