Knife drills:
Defence from belly stab 1: Parry knife their hand, twisting your body as you do (this is most important part!), grab wrist with Parrying hand twisting their wrist up and pulling them slightly off balance as you do and use other hand to disarm (using webbed bit of hand between thumb and forts finger, push against flat of blade/top of handle making sure you are directing the strip where their grip is weakest.. you also have them in a wrist lock so if the strip don’t work it still hurts!)
Defence from belly stab 2: step back and drop left arm on knife wielders forearm/wrist, reach OVER your arm or grab their wrist with your other hand pull them to you, sliding your grip to their thumb/pad and using your other forearm to jam up their wrist. (keep edge on as you do this and move off line) while keeping hold of wrist against your body slide your forearm to cup the knife hand, twist your body and strip the knife.
Defence form angle 1 slash: step off line rear hand/forearm blade block knife arm while simultaneous strike with other hand. Use blocking arm to move/swing knife arm across your body (make sure you move back so you don’t get cut) and end up griping their wrist twisting it up and pulling them slightly off balance. Then strip knife. (Notes: when you are ”blocking” the knife slash it’s not a block as such it’s just getting something in the way to slow it down and you are redirecting the energy so it’s sort of one motion. Also when you have got hold of the wrist keep your elbow against your body so you have a stronger structure).
Defence against angle 2 slash: lean away from angle 1 slash (try not to step back as you will lose time), as angle 2 strike comes in, step off line (outside) rear hand blocks slash lead hand eye strike/hit. Blocking hand grabs wrist and then, pulling them back and off line, sliding your grip to their thumb/pad and using your other forearm to jam up their wrist. (keep edge on as you do this and move off line) while keeping hold of wrist against your body slide your forearm to cup the knife hand, twist your body and strip the knife.
We then played with these 4 defences feeding angle 1, angle 2 or stab and defending.
Ice pick grip (blade pointing down):
Angle 1 stab: step off line and block using blade of forearm and strike with lead hand. grab hold of their wrist/forearm and twist and push towards them (this will again be one motion following the energy of the stab/slash) this will off balance them. Your free hand then goes UNDER their fore arm in a salute motion. To strip, use your saluting arm to “cut” (imagine you’re holding a knife) towards their neck and pull away with your other hand which will then be able to strip their knife.
Stab straight down at your head (on the 12 O’clock): Dagger pass (brushing their forearm to slide up to control the wrist/thumb… again twist body to get it out the way), then pulling them off balance a little strip/disarm by using webbed bit of hand between thumb and forts finger, push against flat of blade/top of handle making sure you are directing the strip where their grip is weakest/back towards them... you also have them in a wrist lock so if the strip don’t work it still hurts! (not 100% we used that strip?)
We then played with all the variations of stabs/slashes and grips and used all the defences against them in any order!
As ever please amend or add as required!
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Friday, 25 August 2017
24/8/17: Thai fundamentals and hook defences
Thai fundamentals
As the first part of being all about kicks and knees, the prominent concept from this part of the session, for me, was the hips and turning them over. Other key learning points that Steve clearly articulated were:
• Strong eyes – up and forward
• Leg like a baseball bat (not the shin or the foot)
• Squarer stance to allow al weapons to be employed
• Follow through with the leg
• Hands up as the kick goes through
• Aim to have the leg parallel to the floor
• Zoning off as you punch
• Aim to make the combination 1 technique not 2 or 3 separate ones.
Jab (lead) and then round kick (rear)
Uppercut (lead) then round kick (rear)
Hook (lead) then round kick (rear)
Jab-cross then round kick (lead)
Jab-cross then switch feet for round kick (which is now the rear)
Jab-cross then long knee (rear) but this was broken down into the following components:
1. Practising and drilling the initial step - left lead stance and stepping with the left leg onto a hard ankle, heel raised and 45 degrees or at 10 o’clock
2. Building on the previous step by adding a short knee by lifting the hips
3. Adding the complete long knee
4. Starting with the jab-cross then the long knee. The left arm guards the head as the right hand swings down to add counter balance to the thrusting motion of the knee strike.
After class, there was a discussion with Steve on how to practise the kicks at home ‘in the air’ as working on a bag can hide technical holes and correct use of the hips. He suggested using a small(ish) chair so you have something physical to kick over. And despite the poor technique displayed by me, Steve used a great analogy. He likened Thai kicks to the golf swing, you want to throw 7/10 good kicks. Likewise, on the golf course, you want more solid shots than shit ones. The good news for those of who are not pro fighters or golfers is that even the pros shank it or make mistakes. Of course, the difference is they do it less because they are so well practised. So, the secret to being excellent is good quality repetition; refine the mechanics and avoid resting on your laurels. We must strive to make our fundamental techniques appear easy and effortless.
Hook defences
Bob and weave
As the hook comes in, go in the direction of the punch and use your legs to take you down and under the punch and then back up on the outside of the punch. Adding to the motion coming from the legs were the attacks off the bob and weave – hook to lead hook to the body followed by a rear shovel hook and finishing with a straight lead.
Initially, it was worked in sets of three to get the mechanics correct but we worked up to working against continuous punches from both sides.
Double hand shoulder stop
Almost like a flinch response whereby both hands come up and inside the punch at the forearm and bicep of his attack. We then scooped the arm and controlled it to the body whilst stepping tightly to the outside of his body and inserting an uppercut to the head from under his controlled arm.
Working all 4
Class rounded off by working both defences on both side of the body to add quality repetition time.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
22/8/17: Thai 4 and 6 counts, hubud variations and entries to take downs
All glory be heaped on Adam for taking the time to produce the notes from the class.
Thai 4 counts:
General tips: Stand more square so all tools are available, hands high/double pillar, elbows in, on balls of feet, hips up
1) Off jab – Catch the jab and reply with jab, cross, lead round kick, rear round kick
2) Off jab cross- Catch Jab and cross with rear hand, then reply with jab, cross, lead round kick (low), switch lead round kick (high)
Thai 6 count: (emphasis is driving forwards at all times)
Off Jab – lead hand scoop (need hands high) and simultaneous lead round kick (come off line as you do the scoop and kick), cross, hook, rear elbow into rear knee (half beat motion don’t grab opponent just keep hands up and keep driving forward) when you plant your foot after the knee you’ll be in a right lead, stretch and hammerfist/push with left hand (target the neck) and step forward, driving your opponent backwards, so you are now back into a left lead stance. Keep pulsing/hitting with left hand and finish with rear thai round kick
Hubud variations:
Parry repost: Back hand/chop strike, stop with rear hand, replace and pak with other hand then reach for neck, opponent will do an inside sweep motion to parry hand away (they will be on the inside line) and chop/backhand with the same hand… repeat cycle as above by stopping the hit with rear hand, pak with other hand and then reach for the neck (e.g. stop with right hand, pak with left, reach with right) etc.
We also worked on basic hubud and flowing between standard hubud and parry repost (looking for reference points in order to change) eg from standard hubud: reach for neck, block with lead hand (fingers pointing to eye), other hand goes under and pushes arm across, then you pak the arm to remove the barrier. When you Pak the elbow that is your reference point. Instead of continuing with normal hubud you do the back hand strike at that point. So full flow would be something like: reach, block, parry across, pak, backhand strike, stop with rear hand, pak with other hand, reach, inside sweep, backhand, stop with rear hand, pak with other hand, reach etc… there are loads of reference points you can have and just takes playing with to work out and feel the changes.
Some of us played with normal hubud, punching hubud, parry repost and lop sau cycle (at which point the brain goes cross eyed and you just have to use the force and trust your muscle memory!)
Entries to take downs:
Off jab – split entry/slap ear, use rear leg to hook opponent lead leg (driving down) and simultaneously forearm smash (like you are driving their shoulder backwards) to off balance and take them down
Off jab – rear hand parry, lead hand eye strike (goes over their arm). As eye strike hand comes back grab the wrist by sliding down the arm and simultaneously throw a cross. Then dumog drag on the arm (make sure you have their palm up so you can drag into the crook of the arm) pulling them to you and move into a figure 4 wrist lock (hitting with elbow and walking forward for the “throw”)
Off jab cross – Catch, cut punch (make sure you turn the head), go into 2 on one arm break(?), arm pit just above elbow, drive body weight down, control wrist with both hands (lifting it up) and can also add a wrist lock for more control/damage.
I think that’s everything. We drilled them lots and as always if there are any points I have missed or made mistakes on please feel free to add/change
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
17/8/17: stick and knife, hook defences
Once again, all hail Adam for taking the time to produce the notes for this entry.
Stick and knife:
AS Tuesday (no more detail than that too… many exploding heads on Thursday!)
Hook defences:
Off jab and lead hook – parry/waslik the jab (try and keep contact with arm), bicep stop with same hand (step off line slightly, energy going forward, shrug shoulder and loose neck) – follow up with ABC (any combo)
Off jab, wide right/hook – catch/parry/Waslik, then bicep stop with other hand (again step off line slightly, energy going forward, shrug shoulder and loose neck) then step off to the right with rear foot first, trap opponents foot with your led foot and simultaneously slap/push/forearm smash the head to off balance opponent. Once their feet are twisted up follow up with an ABC. – aim is to off balance them.
Off jab and lead hook – catch/parry/ waslik, then shift forward and drive elbow (same side as you parried with) into ribs/head (make sure you use your free hand to check opponents other hand) follow up with elbows
Off jab, wide right - catch/parry/ waslik, then shift forward and drive elbow (other side to the one you parried with) (make sure you use your free hand to cover your face as you can’t reach their free hand without over committing) follow up with elbows.
Off jab, lead hook - simultaneous block and strike (double pillar/block and hammer fist motion) – on your rear blocking arm use blade of your forearm to block the hook motion and strike using the blade of your other arm at opponent’s neck, driving forward and off balance!... then any ABC follow up… elbows, punches, destroy the arm or go for the head/body up to you!
Focus pads:
Pad holder held up pads and shouted out any number and you had to hit the pads that many times any combo you wanted, depending on how the pads were held (thanks Charlie!!!!)
Again, may have missed something please feel free to add
Thursday, 17 August 2017
15/8/17: stick and knife
A massive thanks to Adam for the notes from the lesson.
This one was a little complex but great fun. Each element a progression from the previous element:
1) back hand jab into a Redondo (straight down the middle) – don’t bring the jab all the way back, use the bounce to start the Redondo.
2) back hand jab, Redondo, angle 2 backhand
1) forehand jab (that is like an angle three hit aimed at the side?) into Redondo (same tips as above)
2) forehand jab, Redondo, angle 1 forehand strike
Stick and footwork
1) Step forward with right foot but have body twisted towards the right (so your left hip is in front… you are crossing your legs over) – forehand jab, Redondo and the as you do a forehand angle 1 follow through and twist/pivot your feet so your body is now facing the left. The step forward with left foot but keep your right hip in front – backhand jab, Redondo and then as you do back hand angle 2 follow through and twist your feet so your body is now facing the right… repeat over and over moving forward all the time
2) Step Back with your left keeping left hip in front – forehand jab, Redondo then as you do forehand angle 1 follow through and pivot/twist your feet so your body is facing right. Then Step back with right leg, keep right hip forward – backhand jab, Redondo, then as you do angle 2 follow through and pivot so you face the left… repeat…
3) Then combine by going forward a bit ad then backwards so you get reps in.
Stick and knife and footwork (the pattern is exactly the same as above but you are adding a knife strike. Keep knife resting on chest point to target like a darlek!)
1) Step forward with right leg (as above) – forehand jab, Redondo THEN stab with knife (your stick comes back to rest on your shoulder) as you pull back knife do angle 1 strike follow through and pivot (as above). Now step forward with left leg – backhand jab, Redondo THEN as the Redondo is moving downward stab over it and bring the stick under your arm. As you bring the knife straight back do an angle 2 backhand follow through and pivot (as above)
2) The same motion but with stepping back footwork
3) Combine moving forward a few times then moving backwards
Extra knife stab
1) Step forward with right leg – forehand jab, Redondo THEN stab with knife (your stick comes back to rest on your shoulder) as you pull back knife do angle 1 strike follow through and pivot BUT as soon as your body is facing left add another stab (going over your stick) and return knife to chest you should now be ready to flow straight into next part which is: step forward with left leg – backhand jab, Redondo THEN as the Redondo is moving downward stab over it and bring the stick under your arm. As you bring the knife straight back do an angle 2 backhand follow through and pivot BUT as soon as your body is facing right add another stab and return to your chest (the idea is to go SLOWLY through this but the extra stab helps you to continually flow…. (once your body knows what it’s doing!)
2) The same motions but stepping back
3) Combine moving forward a few times then moving backwards
Stick and knife defence 1
1) Opponent hits you with angle 1 stick – you punch through with your stick and follow through hitting partner in head with stick. Pull back using punyo to hook partner stick and simultaneously stab partner in ribs under the arm. Slide your hooking hand back to hold partners stick (as you do step back) out your knife hand over the TOP of partners arm and bush off… stabbing then in belly as you do!
2) As above as you go to strip then stab you with their knife – block/hit knife arm with your stick and simultaneous stab belly, then reach your knife hand OVER your stick, punch their knife arm down and into them and as you do follow through and stab them (your knife hand will be under their arm now… then move to zero pressure hitting with stick and knife as you do)
Stick and knife defence 2
1) Partner hits with angle 1 - crash in with roof block into vine (use the knife hand to graze opponents eyes as you wrap round) and move off then as you do this would lead to a disarm. BUT they have a knife so the go to stab you in the belly. AS your stick is high you drop stick down onto their arm. Then use your knife hand to grab/“pinch” their knife hand (moving off line), your blade cutting their wrist, disarm using your forearm then upper cut motion with stick under their arm to hit them in the face and then either go into an arm break/choke and zero pressure and keep hitting!
There was probably a lot more and a load of finer points but that is the main jist I think. GO SLOW and FLOW
Friday, 11 August 2017
10/8/17: double stick
Thanks to James for the following blog post
Double Stick
Odd Series:
From closed guard (R. stick on shoulder, L. stick under R. armpit):
R. forehand, roof with the R. as you L. backhand, R, forehand follow through so your R. stick is under your L. armpit, your L. stick resting on your shoulder. Do the same on the other side.
R. forehand watik (like a jab) so as you L. backhand your R. stick retracts back onto your R. shoulder. R, forehand follow through so your R. stick is under your L. armpit, your L. stick resting on your shoulder. Do the same on the other side.
R. forehand, umbrella with the R. (turn your L. shoulder side on and keep the stick tight) as you L. backhand, R, forehand follow through so your R. stick is under your L. armpit, your L. stick resting on your shoulder. Do the same on the other side.
Do (1) to (3) in order.
A1, A2 (make sure you turn your body) then go into (1). Do the same on the other side.
A1, A2 then go into (2). Do the same on the other side.
A1, A2 then go into (3). Do the same on the other side.
Do (5) to (7) in order.
Empty Hand to Takedowns
Slip outside the J., step R. leg up and move to the back controlling his hips with your hands (L. ear against his back) and then pivot anti-clockwise and hook his R. arm in the crook of your R. arm (point your hand up to the sky), pull his elbow into your body, grab your R. wrist with your L. hand and drag him down towards your L. foot (or where your L. foot was as you will be moving your L. leg anti-clockwise), stretch his arm up and step L. leg over his head & stamp and then bring it back close to his neck, step over him (like a lunge) and your L. knee rests on the floor and arm bar then sit your butt back for the choke.
Parry and eyeswipe the J. over the top, lap and R. vertical fist, using your L. arm on his tricep to bend his arm, hook R. arm under his L. arm above the elbow and use a knife hand and point your finger to the floor. Quarter turn L. leg counter clockwise and put L. hand on top of his neck, thumb digging into the side of his neck. Step your L. leg behind your R. leg, gable grip your hands and drive him head first into the floor. Put knee in kidneys and shoulder lock (use your bicep to make sure his arm does not straighten).
Catch the J, waslik the RC and step in with your R. leg as you continue the circular motion of your L. hand and grab around his neck so your fingers are digging into the L. side (his L.) of his neck. His head should be pressed into your L. shoulder (this would be a shoulder smash) and the L. side of your head should be pressed against the L. side of his head. Bring your L. elbow towards your hip as you step your L. foot in a small anti-clockwise circle, keeping control of his head for the takedown. Finish with R. knee on belly/chest and throw hammerfists.
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
8/8/17: boxing and knife hubud
BOXING: the conceptual theme was attacking by changing levels.
As last session, changing levels to counter attacks.
• Changing the level and throwing the jab
• Changing the level and throwing the cross
• Blocking and respond against the jab and cross
• Changing the level and throwing the jab followed by the right body hook
• Changing the level and throwing the left body hook
Always be in balance and positional control or dominance and being ready to fire the next shot or combination.
On the pads:
Several rounds of:
• Changing the level and throwing the jab followed by the right body hook
• Changing the level and throwing the left body hook
As well as adding a 3 punch combo on the end
Conditioned sparring rounds
Feeding threw the 4 punches at half speed to develop the correct mechanics for what we were learning. We were supposed to lock out any other ingrained responses to straight attacks – hence the half speed, to allow flight time for what was being learned.
4 attacks – jab or cross to body or head.
4 responses – forearm block and respond, change level and jab followed by hook.
HUBUD: the conceptual theme was seeing, feeling and flowing
The basic roll with a knife in ice pick grip. The main attack comes in a wider angle than the regular hubud so the initial interception uses the palm to cover the wrist (as opposed to the outer wrist and finger strike to the eyes).
Each of the following attacks were inserted into the drill. When completed with a response or counter, the drill would continue. Each attack was built on the last and inserted into the drill assuring the development of seeing and feeling.
• 12 o’clock attack – counter: fold the arm (similar to a collapsing bong sau) and roll controlling the elbow and press his arm into him followed by a stab on the angle #1 line.
• pak and backhand stab on the high line – counter: mirror with a pak and stab. Do this for several repetitions then flow back into the drill.
• pak and backhand stab on the low line – counter: as above
• gunting slash on the high line – counter: I don’t think there was one?
• hooking stab on the low #3 line – counter: pass and slash across the arm followed by backhand stab on the outside of the arm to the body
Friday, 4 August 2017
3/8/17: boxing and hubud
I am starting to think more about concepts and attributes and how they apply to the techniques being taught. This is because I know I will not remember every technique yet if I can consider the concepts or attributes, then I can apply these transferable skills to different aspects of the system. I will continue to recount the lessons being taught but will also attempt to summarise by having an umbrella concept or attribute for each phase of the lesson. Sometimes, Steve talks about them and sometimes not. Until ‘edited’, the conceptual and attribute themes are based on my understanding at my current level. Meaning, if I have misunderstood the concept or attribute, please let me know.
BOXING: the conceptual theme was attacking by changing levels.
Changing the level and throwing the jab: Drop the weight first then jab by moving forward on the low line, then move back out after the jab. Make sure you drop the level and not slip or bend forward.
Changing the level and throwing the cross: As above but with the right hand
Blocking the jab and cross: keep the elbows tight to the body and use turn the torso to divert the attack. Ideally, block the same side punch – if he jabs, use your right forearm by turning to the left. The cross, use the left forearm by turning to the right. Again, tight and precise motions whilst avoiding
• Bowing motion
• ‘chopping’ down in place of turning,
• over turning
Block and respond: This was almost like a pak and punch but using the forearm instead of the hand against his jab and cross to the body.
Change level jab to right body hook: Person A threw a jab, Person B changes the level and jabs then steps out to the right and throws the body hook with the right hand.
Change level jab to left body hook: Person A throws the jab, Person B changes the level and jabs then jump steps left and throws the left body hook.
HUBUD: the conceptual theme was breaking the structure by locking out of motion
The basic roll, putting in flight time.
Attack 1: lap and punch (lap with the right hand on the motion after the pak with the left, zone off), dumog pull into wrist lock #1 on his right hand
Attack 2: high lap and deep jab (by stepping through) to put your arm pit on his tricep, with his thumb facing down go to 2 hands to 1 to arm wrench. Add the ripping lunge as this will force him to the floor.
Attack 3: wrist lock #1 on the left hand after a strong and committed attack (to the neck) with the right hand which is your final motion of the three in the drill. Step on the foot and left elbow in his chest to beak his structure. Insert the left arm under his forearm and clasp the wrist for a wrench
Working all 3 in any order
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
1/8/17: single stick master class - range, footwork and body mechanics
1: downward forearm slash to the neck/side of the head RFL (right foot lead)
2: downward backhand slash to the neck/side of the head RFL
3: horizontal forehand to the body LFL
4: horizontal backhand to the body LFL
5: stab to the abdomen RFL
6: stab to the head RFL
7: reverse stab to the head LFL
8: redondo on the backhand LFL
8: redondo on the backhand LFL
9: downward forearm slash to the knee RFL
10: downward backhand slash to the knee RFL
11: upward forehand LFL
12: upward backhand LFL
13: abanico high to the left RFL
14: abanico high to the right then chamber on the right shoulder RFL
15: small umbrella redondo on the right LFL
16: large umbrella redondo on the right LFL
17: jabbing diagonal uppercut from lower right to over the left shoulder RFL
Numerada –defang the initial attack then continually moving to zero pressure as you move through a figure 8 followed by a redondo making it a 4 count.
Conceptually, the key learning points were that the defender (D) must focus on:
• Range – when you hit him your stick, he must not be able to contact you, use the full range of your weapon and body combined.
• Footwork – continually move and zone to zero pressure. The is an intrinsic relationship between range and footwork. Both need to be effective, you can’t have one without the other.
• Body mechanics – to enable fluid use of the weapon.
The above concepts were continually refined in the drills below.
1: Single stick (A) feeding the 5 angles v single stick (D)
2: Single stick (A) feeding the 5 angles and followed by a knife stab v single stick (D)
3: Single stick (1 hand grip) (A) feeding the 5 angles v single stick (2 handed grip) (D)
4: Single knife (A) feeding the 5 angles v single stick (D)
5: Single stick (A) plus another (A) feeding the knife attacks – stabs or slashes v single stick (D). Essentially it was 2 v 1. The third person comes in occasionally so the D has to add peripheral vision and awareness to the concepts of range, footwork and body mechanics. The second attacker moves with ‘Walking Dead’ pace, not ‘28 Days Later’ pace
6: Double stick (A) v single stick (D)
7: Single stick (A) v single knife (D). The D now needed to apply more aggressive forward energy to crash the range of the stick.
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