Tuesday, 2 August 2016

2/8/16: punch defences, pad training and knife work

Shadow boxing warm up

4 corners (long high arm stance)

Feeder throws jab-cross-lead hook-rear hook
Cover with the forearm cutting across the centreline against the jab and cross. Mirror his motion; if he throws the left you use the right.
Against the hooks cover inside of the elbow crease, the rear hand covers the centreline at head height.

Arm drag to uppercut
Feeder throws jab-cross-lead hook. (Use the 4 corners practise) Cover the lead hook, arm drag with left but step in and squeeze the arm with your arm, head against his shoulder to stay covered. Step out to the right and pivot (like a reverse L-step), as you land throw the uppercut under his arm followed by the shot over the top.

Shoulder brace to knee lock
Feeder throws jab-cross-lead hook-rear hook. Shoulder brace (long, straight arm, palm up on the shoulder and thumb included, chin tucked into your shoulder), step the rear foot out, step the front but on to his foot as you slap the head. This will isolate his knee and send him off balance, follow up with the lateral elbow strike to the head.

Elbow cover to elbow extension.
Feeder throws jab-cross-lead hook. On the lead hook, step in with the elbow head cover, the checking hand covers his right hand. Overhook the punching arm at the elbow tightly, turn his face away and step to wrench the arm.

Pad training
Feeder throws the 4 corners punches - jab-cross-lead hook and rear hook. You cover the 4 punches then throw the cross-hook-cross.
Power right cross drilling

Knife movement against the angle 1 and 2
Feeder attacks repeatedly with angle 1 and 2. Similar motions to the hooks - rear hand at the lower forearm, lead hand (same leg forward) to the eyes. Wearing eye protection allows proper targeting with no injury.

Elbow and head control.
More motion this time, control the elbow after the pass. Make sure the hand is palm up, this offers much greater control. Also get used to striking the head whilst passing. He will need to reset to throw the angles.

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