Tuesday, 23 August 2016

23/8/16: defensive hand methods and elbow extensions out of hubud

We did most of this back on 31st May this year.
We practised the following 3 defence structures in isolation, then with the defender looking for attacking opportunities. These are not exact sciences nor do they have all the answers and nor should they be static and passive solutions. But they are sound defensive options.

1: HALF GUARD - shoulder forward, left elbow pinned to the side guarding the lower part of the body, rear upper hand is 'windscreen wiping'. This was used to defend against the low line attacks.

2: 2 PILLARS - elbows parallel with shoulders, forearms up but forward of elbow vertical line, covering the centreline with constant lateral motion so they have to time your motion rather than you reacting to their attacks. This was used against high line attacks.

3: CRAZY MONKEY - shoulders up, chin down, protective shell. This was used against the 5 second chaotic barrage.

Putting it altogether on the pads


Basic drill pattern begins at 4.00

ELBOW EXTENSION 1 (SALUTE). After you block his angle 1 strike, come under the forearms with your rear hand and rotate his forearm as you out the front elbow or forearm against his elbow for the elbow extension.

ELBOW EXTENSION 2 (OVERHOOK WRAP) step in on his angle 1 attack with a covering elbow, overtook wrap his arm, step back with the rear leg for the fast elbow extension (wrench)

ELBOW EXTENSION 3 (OVERHOOK DROP AND LIFT) similar entry as the first one but this time you throw a punch to turn his face, your rear hand is gripping the thumb of the hand he just attacked with. Step over with your armpit so it is now on his elbow, swap gripping hands, drop your weight as you lever his hand up. Remember that the fulcrum is his elbow which is where the pain and damage will occur. Your weight is also on him which adds to the isolation of the arm.

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