Thursday, 25 August 2016

25/8/16: cross loop drill, syllabus work and lock flow

Keep tips were keeping the left hand up when throwing the right cross, rear heel lifted to enable full rotation and extension on the cross and evasive qualities in leaning out of range.
1: shoulder roll, Nigel Benn showing how it is done above
2: short parry
3: cut punch
4: elbow destruction
5: lead uppercut
6: overhand right defence (bob and weave, shoulder stop, shoulder roll)
7: gunting (rear parry, lead bicep strike), elbow control and zone off

5 angles with a partner. Focus of using body mechanics and flow.
1: angles 1-2-3-4-5
2: angles 1-4-3-2-5
3: angles 1-upper backhand-upper forehand-2-5

1-8 tend to be focussed on the wrist and the next few focus on the fingers. The lock flow series os designed so that each one is a reaction to an escape attempt and thus leading into the next lock. It also provides a repertoire of locks. Most are breaks or wrenches, we trained for technical accuracy over ripping them on.
#9 gripping little and ring finger with one hand, middle and index with the other; fold fingers back to the forearm, something similar to below
#10 maintain hold of two outer fingers, rotate the forearm up, apply pressure to the back of the elbow as torquing the fingers, he should be up high on his toes.
#11 low line finger lock forearm brace(!)
#12 high version of above
#13 goose neck
#14 sankyo variation
#15 over the shoulder elbow extension
#16 shiho-nage shoulder rotation variation

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