Tuesday, 8 November 2016

8/11/16: glove work 3 counts, pad training and syllabus specific work



A throws the 3 count and B moves and defends so there is an element of aliveness to the drill.

1: Jab - cross - lead hook (defender uses long guard to defend)
2: Jab - lead hook body cross (defender cataches the jab, bob and weave the hook and tuck twist for the body shot)
3: Jab followed by long step and slide, get to his side and throw the right body hook and right head hook (defender catches the jab and covers for both hooks)
4: Right cross - left body hook to left uppercut (defender parrys the cross, covers for the hook and uppercuts the uppcut to take it off line)

Attacker has to get at least one punch in, defender blocks, covers and parrys. Attacker plays with timing, distancing, feints and angles. Really great drill as you can keep the eyes open without worrying about heavy shots coming in; meaning you get to practise sound defensive mechanics whilst punches are coming in.

Any 3 punches, take in turns, try to get them all in and allow none of his to get in. Keep moving, use the elbows to open him up, keep the crazy monkey defence fluid and the eyes open.

1: Jab-cross, feeder throws lead hook, bob and weave under and insert the body shot, cross-hook-cross, right body hook-right head hook.
2: Pad holder holds left pad long and right pad to the side of the face, this is to force movement in and out. Jab on the long arm pad, step in and jab the pad near the head, come back out and jab the long arm pad, pad holder moves forward and you pivot off line and control the head and neck with your lead arm, then throw an overhand right, left uppercut and right overhand
10 second Tabata style rounds
Double uppercut

Against #1 move inside, high block and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #2 stay behind it, high block and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #3 low block (like a bong sau) and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #4 low block (like a bong sau) and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #5 move inside, low block and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face

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