Courtesy of Adam, I tgink my blogging days are limited as Adam has done such a five star job, many thanks Adam.
Review of session
Thai 6 count starts with lead round kick then cross hook elbow rear knee push away rear round kick!
Rear round kick defenses:
Cut kick (as opponent kicks with rear leg step of and lead round kick their standing leg)
Evade: move back and reply with round kick
Stop hit: as kick comes hit him with a cross (step and slide footwork to stop power of kick)
Stop kick; as stop hit but use your rear leg to kick his standing leg
Crush: Thai leg block make sure leg is at 90 degree angle
Catch: scoop round kick into crook of your arm pull it up to arm pit. Then step forward between his legs (keep hold of leg) watch him fall.
Various take downs:
Off jab:
Rear parry lead and eye strike, wrap arm, get close, grab shoulder and pivot to take down.
Duck jab and Body shot shoulder charge then grip lead leg with both thighs. Hug him into you as you straighten legs as he falls land on top of him in mount position.
Off cross;
Split entry then face hugger (palm on nose grab head and roll it back and down.) use their hand to push his back to bend it more so they land on their head!
Slip cross overhand then uppercut into arm break. Grab wrist sandwich grip and arm break their elbow over left shoulder, the twist under their arms and take down.
At end of all take downs was a variety of different locks and a breaks.
Plus that's all part of purple and brown tshirts syllabus!
Last 4 takedowns
Off jab:
Duck and jab to body, drive shoulder into body then pivot round back, hip control dumog drag the far arm into take down. Step back as you do this
Step to side rear hand pary then eyestrike with lead hand into lop. Cross then figure four wrist lock takedown
From cross:
Scoop cross with lead hand and with same hand grab neck. At same time step forward(rear leg) control other arm and place head next to opponent head. Twist neck put pressure on with your head and pivot to take down.
Long parry into eye, cross and drive elbow with same hand, scoop opponents arm into yours (the arm they crossed with) and step off to face him at 90 degrees control head thumb in neck. Kick to head (keep leg straight) step on foot and push to off balance, push head down and twist his body round (put him where you were).
Again finish off all with variety of locks
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