As we were split into 2 groups tonight, I am unaware of all the hard work Adam, Charlie and James were putting in work getting ready for the grading, the rest of us were working on boxing fundamentals.
Working the whole dynamics of the jab from the toes to the knuckles
Balls of the feet
Feet under the hips so base is balanced and mobile
Lead edge on
Drive from the feet and through with the punch
Be light on the feet to enable entering then retreating, pivoting or evasion footwork
Piston the punch out and back
Have the weight going forward with the punch, not dispersing in any other direction but this comes from the feet.
The variety of drills:
Jab only; out of range and jab into range, the receiver catches.
Jab and respond: Person A out of range and enters with the jab, Person B catches and responds with the jab.
Entering with the jab to set up combinations such as jab, body cross, left hook to the body
On the pads, the focus was on keeping the movement (the whole body) crisp, fast and dynamic. The main teaching point was turning over the shoulder more on the cross - drive into and through the centre of the pad, not off to the side.
Palm up pass and strip
Forearm smash and strip
'cut' punch and strip
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
24/11/16: boxing slip drilling, standing submissions and escapes, ground submissions
Person A jabs, person B catches the jab and returns with a jab and person A slips the jab to the outside
Person A throws the cross, person B catches and returns with a cross and person A slips to the outside
Person A throw the jab then cross, person B catches both and returns with jab and cross. Person A shoulder rolls the jab and bob and weaves against the cross whilst inserting body hook.
The second round was just person A throwing punches and B slipping, bobbing and weaving.
Person A simulates the tackle, person B posts the hands on the shoulders, as the body is a unit, the whole body moves back and person B returns with a knee to the head
After the knee, put your weight on his back so he carries you, put the choking arm long and deep along his neck, clasp the forearm with the other hand and pull the elbow up. Hips close then lift his neck for the choke. Keep it all tight and allow no gaps.
If the chin is tucked, apply pressure with the forearm on the jaw, cheek, nose, wherever. Below is the great Billy Robinson show his powerful version of the face crank.
No point me explaining as Renzo covers the guillotine defence to takedown to finish.
We also snaked the forearm across the throat for the choke. Likewise, in the above submission, we are in side control. When the forearm goes on the neck, there is a good chance he will try to defend by releasing his grip. From here move to head and arm control and step over into mount.
Again, let the pro explain.
As always, another top-drawer lesson. Steve, as ever, teaching with such precision. I feel that I have made so much progress since training at the Academy because of the technical details that Steve is able to impart. His knowledge is second to none.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
22/11/16: Clinch master class
Catch and cover, enter for the clinch - forearms tight to the neck, eblows on the collar bones and palm to plan on the crown of the head.
Scoop and forearm smash to enter for the clinch
Scoop and forarm smash to bicep control to clinch on the other side
Scoop and elbow to forearm smash to clinch
Entering with knee strikes to set up the clinch
Steering the head to off balance, adding the knees
Shoulder shrug and throw the elbow
Shoulder inside and turn out with the elbow
Gunting on the inside to clear the way for your clinch
Drop your weight and have a strong posture, get your hips close to his and clinch around his waist and use the head to lever his base.
Loose the neck, arms over the top compress and face push. Keep it all tight to allow no slippage or simple escape from him.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
17/11/16: ORANGE belt grading
This is the first grading in the SM fighting art academy.
Steve's outook on gradings is that they are a cumilation of all your training so far. You will only be asked to grade if you have put the time in and if Steve believes you are ready.
Our grading consisted of the follwing areas. After the exam, Steve gave each of us individual feedback to further improve and build on what we have already. The feedback was really indepth and specific so will undoubtedly enable us to make progress along our martial paths. Along side Nick, Ian and myself, Noel was going for his yellow belt (3 level) grading.
EBI: eyes up and forward.
EBI: be closer in range, a little too far away.
EBI: If we're showing what we can do, then work slower, have much more precision and make each repeition a qualoty one, allow nothing to be masked, greater awareness of the non striking hand placement - keep it up.
EBI: hands up is higher than you think, the lead hand drops as there is no threat.
EBI: more body mechanics in the sumbrada, drop leower on the roof block.
EBI: be aware of the other hand
EBI: not enough forwrad pressure, out of range too much.
We all passed but it was gruellling as each round was long for every aspect of the exam so staying mentally focussed was key despite the sweat, discomfort and the complex physical motions that we were expected to perform.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
15/11/16: footowrk, glove work, pad work and single stick
Step and slide in 4 directions - single, double and triple steps with punches.
Cross stepping forward and backwards
Pivotng on the lead leg
Linking all footwork pattrens together in a continuous flow.
Male and female triangles plus diamond patterns
Jab and cross defences:
- Scoop and uppercut and elbows
- split entry, uppercut and cross (on the left) or hook (on the right)
- high lead elbow to hammerfists
- salute to elbow break to elbows
Noel was working on defences against the jab and lead or rear hook
- bob and weave ABC
- bicep stop ABC
- shoulder roll to ABC
2 hard rounds of whatever the pad holder called. The pad holder was also giving coaching tips, providing motion, motivation and hihgh expectations of quality of motion and effort
3 beat high box sumbrada
2 strips against the #1 vine the stick along the forearm for the levernig strip
and overhead - roof block to arm wrap to punyo to face. Zone out to the left for maximum effect on his structure
Step and slide in 4 directions - single, double and triple steps with punches.
Cross stepping forward and backwards
Pivotng on the lead leg
Linking all footwork pattrens together in a continuous flow.
Male and female triangles plus diamond patterns
Jab and cross defences:
- Scoop and uppercut and elbows
- split entry, uppercut and cross (on the left) or hook (on the right)
- high lead elbow to hammerfists
- salute to elbow break to elbows
Noel was working on defences against the jab and lead or rear hook
- bob and weave ABC
- bicep stop ABC
- shoulder roll to ABC
2 hard rounds of whatever the pad holder called. The pad holder was also giving coaching tips, providing motion, motivation and hihgh expectations of quality of motion and effort
3 beat high box sumbrada
2 strips against the #1 vine the stick along the forearm for the levernig strip
and overhead - roof block to arm wrap to punyo to face. Zone out to the left for maximum effect on his structure
Friday, 11 November 2016
10/11/16: Thai 6 counts, rear round kick defences and takedown work
Courtesy of Adam, I tgink my blogging days are limited as Adam has done such a five star job, many thanks Adam.
Review of session
Thai 6 count starts with lead round kick then cross hook elbow rear knee push away rear round kick!
Rear round kick defenses:
Cut kick (as opponent kicks with rear leg step of and lead round kick their standing leg)
Evade: move back and reply with round kick
Stop hit: as kick comes hit him with a cross (step and slide footwork to stop power of kick)
Stop kick; as stop hit but use your rear leg to kick his standing leg
Crush: Thai leg block make sure leg is at 90 degree angle
Catch: scoop round kick into crook of your arm pull it up to arm pit. Then step forward between his legs (keep hold of leg) watch him fall.
Various take downs:
Off jab:
Rear parry lead and eye strike, wrap arm, get close, grab shoulder and pivot to take down.
Duck jab and Body shot shoulder charge then grip lead leg with both thighs. Hug him into you as you straighten legs as he falls land on top of him in mount position.
Off cross;
Split entry then face hugger (palm on nose grab head and roll it back and down.) use their hand to push his back to bend it more so they land on their head!
Slip cross overhand then uppercut into arm break. Grab wrist sandwich grip and arm break their elbow over left shoulder, the twist under their arms and take down.
At end of all take downs was a variety of different locks and a breaks.
Plus that's all part of purple and brown tshirts syllabus!
Last 4 takedowns
Off jab:
Duck and jab to body, drive shoulder into body then pivot round back, hip control dumog drag the far arm into take down. Step back as you do this
Step to side rear hand pary then eyestrike with lead hand into lop. Cross then figure four wrist lock takedown
From cross:
Scoop cross with lead hand and with same hand grab neck. At same time step forward(rear leg) control other arm and place head next to opponent head. Twist neck put pressure on with your head and pivot to take down.
Long parry into eye, cross and drive elbow with same hand, scoop opponents arm into yours (the arm they crossed with) and step off to face him at 90 degrees control head thumb in neck. Kick to head (keep leg straight) step on foot and push to off balance, push head down and twist his body round (put him where you were).
Again finish off all with variety of locks
Courtesy of Adam, I tgink my blogging days are limited as Adam has done such a five star job, many thanks Adam.
Review of session
Thai 6 count starts with lead round kick then cross hook elbow rear knee push away rear round kick!
Rear round kick defenses:
Cut kick (as opponent kicks with rear leg step of and lead round kick their standing leg)
Evade: move back and reply with round kick
Stop hit: as kick comes hit him with a cross (step and slide footwork to stop power of kick)
Stop kick; as stop hit but use your rear leg to kick his standing leg
Crush: Thai leg block make sure leg is at 90 degree angle
Catch: scoop round kick into crook of your arm pull it up to arm pit. Then step forward between his legs (keep hold of leg) watch him fall.
Various take downs:
Off jab:
Rear parry lead and eye strike, wrap arm, get close, grab shoulder and pivot to take down.
Duck jab and Body shot shoulder charge then grip lead leg with both thighs. Hug him into you as you straighten legs as he falls land on top of him in mount position.
Off cross;
Split entry then face hugger (palm on nose grab head and roll it back and down.) use their hand to push his back to bend it more so they land on their head!
Slip cross overhand then uppercut into arm break. Grab wrist sandwich grip and arm break their elbow over left shoulder, the twist under their arms and take down.
At end of all take downs was a variety of different locks and a breaks.
Plus that's all part of purple and brown tshirts syllabus!
Last 4 takedowns
Off jab:
Duck and jab to body, drive shoulder into body then pivot round back, hip control dumog drag the far arm into take down. Step back as you do this
Step to side rear hand pary then eyestrike with lead hand into lop. Cross then figure four wrist lock takedown
From cross:
Scoop cross with lead hand and with same hand grab neck. At same time step forward(rear leg) control other arm and place head next to opponent head. Twist neck put pressure on with your head and pivot to take down.
Long parry into eye, cross and drive elbow with same hand, scoop opponents arm into yours (the arm they crossed with) and step off to face him at 90 degrees control head thumb in neck. Kick to head (keep leg straight) step on foot and push to off balance, push head down and twist his body round (put him where you were).
Again finish off all with variety of locks
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
8/11/16: glove work 3 counts, pad training and syllabus specific work
A throws the 3 count and B moves and defends so there is an element of aliveness to the drill.
1: Jab - cross - lead hook (defender uses long guard to defend)
2: Jab - lead hook body cross (defender cataches the jab, bob and weave the hook and tuck twist for the body shot)
3: Jab followed by long step and slide, get to his side and throw the right body hook and right head hook (defender catches the jab and covers for both hooks)
4: Right cross - left body hook to left uppercut (defender parrys the cross, covers for the hook and uppercuts the uppcut to take it off line)
Attacker has to get at least one punch in, defender blocks, covers and parrys. Attacker plays with timing, distancing, feints and angles. Really great drill as you can keep the eyes open without worrying about heavy shots coming in; meaning you get to practise sound defensive mechanics whilst punches are coming in.
Any 3 punches, take in turns, try to get them all in and allow none of his to get in. Keep moving, use the elbows to open him up, keep the crazy monkey defence fluid and the eyes open.
1: Jab-cross, feeder throws lead hook, bob and weave under and insert the body shot, cross-hook-cross, right body hook-right head hook.
2: Pad holder holds left pad long and right pad to the side of the face, this is to force movement in and out. Jab on the long arm pad, step in and jab the pad near the head, come back out and jab the long arm pad, pad holder moves forward and you pivot off line and control the head and neck with your lead arm, then throw an overhand right, left uppercut and right overhand
10 second Tabata style rounds
Double uppercut
Against #1 move inside, high block and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #2 stay behind it, high block and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #3 low block (like a bong sau) and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #4 low block (like a bong sau) and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face.
Against #5 move inside, low block and strike to eyes and neck, backhand sweep the knife hand towards him, cover the elbow, strike to the eyes, head, face
Thursday, 3 November 2016
3/11/16: glove work, single stick and ground work
With gradings a few weeks around the corner, we split into groups to concentrate on syllabus work. Apologies to the rest of the lads, what follows is for us humble white belts only.
1: Catch
2: Cut punch
3: scoop and lead uppercut
4: slip and rear uppercut
5: split entry
The following looks like a cut punch in action
A beautifully executed cross, extending through the shoulder from a master boxer
1: shoulder roll
2: short parry
3: long parry with thumb to the eye
4: lead elbow cover
5: hook punch
6: cut punch
7: bob and weave
8: gunting
9: split entry
10: follow and lead uppercut
The greatest 3 rounds in boxing from the Golden era of the 80's, just because it a glorious display of tenacity and technique.
cinqo teros a with a partner
1: angles 1-2-3-4-5
2: angles 1-4-3-2-5
3: angles 1-upper backhand-upper forehand-2-5
Syllabus work - the high box 3 beat sumbrada broken down to the 3 component parts then doing the drill continuously.
Cover from the punches, he comes down to secure neck and head control whilst still being able to hit with the other hand. As he sits up again, follow and wrap the arms around hhis torso, keep the head in tight. As he brings you down to base out on his hands, secure and trap one of his arms - same side arm secures the triceps to stop it being pulled out, other arm secures the forearm across your chest. Then hip up and elevate him with a knee to disturb his base. Hip up to 12 o'clock then to 2 o'clock and sweep over into his guard. Secure his biceps and keep the head on his belly. Posture up, if he tries to punch then put the fingers in his lower abs, this prevents elevated punches and keeps them away.
1: Catch
2: Cut punch
3: scoop and lead uppercut
4: slip and rear uppercut
5: split entry
The following looks like a cut punch in action
A beautifully executed cross, extending through the shoulder from a master boxer
1: shoulder roll
2: short parry
3: long parry with thumb to the eye
4: lead elbow cover
5: hook punch
6: cut punch
7: bob and weave
8: gunting
9: split entry
10: follow and lead uppercut
The greatest 3 rounds in boxing from the Golden era of the 80's, just because it a glorious display of tenacity and technique.
cinqo teros a with a partner
1: angles 1-2-3-4-5
2: angles 1-4-3-2-5
3: angles 1-upper backhand-upper forehand-2-5
Syllabus work - the high box 3 beat sumbrada broken down to the 3 component parts then doing the drill continuously.
Cover from the punches, he comes down to secure neck and head control whilst still being able to hit with the other hand. As he sits up again, follow and wrap the arms around hhis torso, keep the head in tight. As he brings you down to base out on his hands, secure and trap one of his arms - same side arm secures the triceps to stop it being pulled out, other arm secures the forearm across your chest. Then hip up and elevate him with a knee to disturb his base. Hip up to 12 o'clock then to 2 o'clock and sweep over into his guard. Secure his biceps and keep the head on his belly. Posture up, if he tries to punch then put the fingers in his lower abs, this prevents elevated punches and keeps them away.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
1/11/16: hubud and single stick
3 switches
1: wave and hack
2: chi sau change
3: dagger pass
5 arm bars
1: underhook (uppercut punch) to sandwich grip as you put your hips to his hips (belly to back), the arm is on top of your shoulder, which is acting as the fulcrum. His elbow crease facing up.
2: grabbing at his wrist, palm down - lateral shoulder bump against the back of his elbow, his elbow crease facing out.
3: over hook (punch the jaw) weight on his upper arm, grab the thumb and lever up. His elbow crease is facing down.
4: lead elbow cover on the inside to overhook arm wrap and wrench.
5: take the outside of the arm and rake the eyes into #2 armlock with both hands on the back of the elbow.
4 dumog manipulations
1: arm drag from the inside
2: dumog pull on the inside
3: upper arm push from the outside
4: dumog pull on the outside
Single stick syllabus
3 beat high box sumbrada as solo elements and as the loop.
1. Attack with angle 1, respond with roof block then attack with angle 1.
2. Attack with angle 2, cover with the hand and respond with the downward forehand then attack with angle 1.
3. Attack with angle 1, respond with inside parry and forearm block followed by backhand.
3 switches
1: wave and hack
2: chi sau change
3: dagger pass
5 arm bars
1: underhook (uppercut punch) to sandwich grip as you put your hips to his hips (belly to back), the arm is on top of your shoulder, which is acting as the fulcrum. His elbow crease facing up.
2: grabbing at his wrist, palm down - lateral shoulder bump against the back of his elbow, his elbow crease facing out.
3: over hook (punch the jaw) weight on his upper arm, grab the thumb and lever up. His elbow crease is facing down.
4: lead elbow cover on the inside to overhook arm wrap and wrench.
5: take the outside of the arm and rake the eyes into #2 armlock with both hands on the back of the elbow.
4 dumog manipulations
1: arm drag from the inside
2: dumog pull on the inside
3: upper arm push from the outside
4: dumog pull on the outside
Single stick syllabus
3 beat high box sumbrada as solo elements and as the loop.
1. Attack with angle 1, respond with roof block then attack with angle 1.
2. Attack with angle 2, cover with the hand and respond with the downward forehand then attack with angle 1.
3. Attack with angle 1, respond with inside parry and forearm block followed by backhand.
1/11/16: hubud and single stick
3 switches
1: roll and chop (Sorry boss, I forgot the correct name wave and something?)
2: chi sau change
3: dagger pass
5 arm bars
1: underhook (uppercut punch) to sandwich grip as you put your hips to his hips (belly to back), the arm is on top of your shoulder, which is acting as the fulcrum. His elbow crease facing up.
2: grabbing at his wrist, palm down - lateral shoulder bump against the back of his elbow, his elbow crease facing out.
3: over hook (punch the jaw) weight on his upper arm, grab the thumb and lever up. His elbow crease is facing down.
4: lead elbow cover on the inside to overhook arm wrap and wrench.
5: take the outside of the arm and rake the eyes into #2 armlock with both hands on the back of the elbow.
4 dumog manipulations
1: arm drag from the inside
2: dumog pull on the inside
3: upper arm push from the outside
4: dumog pull on the outside
Single stick syllabus
3 beat high box sumbrada as solo elements and as the loop.
1. Attack with angle 1, respond with roof block then attack with angle 1.
2. Attack with angle 2, cover with the hand and respond with the downward forehand then attack with angle 1.
3. Attack with angle 1, respond with inside parry and forearm block followed by backhand.
3 switches
1: roll and chop (Sorry boss, I forgot the correct name wave and something?)
2: chi sau change
3: dagger pass
5 arm bars
1: underhook (uppercut punch) to sandwich grip as you put your hips to his hips (belly to back), the arm is on top of your shoulder, which is acting as the fulcrum. His elbow crease facing up.
2: grabbing at his wrist, palm down - lateral shoulder bump against the back of his elbow, his elbow crease facing out.
3: over hook (punch the jaw) weight on his upper arm, grab the thumb and lever up. His elbow crease is facing down.
4: lead elbow cover on the inside to overhook arm wrap and wrench.
5: take the outside of the arm and rake the eyes into #2 armlock with both hands on the back of the elbow.
4 dumog manipulations
1: arm drag from the inside
2: dumog pull on the inside
3: upper arm push from the outside
4: dumog pull on the outside
Single stick syllabus
3 beat high box sumbrada as solo elements and as the loop.
1. Attack with angle 1, respond with roof block then attack with angle 1.
2. Attack with angle 2, cover with the hand and respond with the downward forehand then attack with angle 1.
3. Attack with angle 1, respond with inside parry and forearm block followed by backhand.
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