Wednesday, 7 September 2016

6/9/16: conditioned sparring rounds, Thai 4 counts plus 6 and 8 count sinawali

Warm up
Shadow boxing - body mechanics, adding footwork, adding jab and cross, adding hooks and uppercuts, adding jab or cross defences.

Conditioned sparring rounds. All in a one for one format. The aim was to play with the timing, and keep the conditioned sparring alive. So trying to land punches, reply with your techniques as soon as he has landed his kick. Or try pausing, playing and delaying the punch to keep him thinking. Action is faster than reaction.
Front hand punch followed by a rear leg round kick to his leg.
Part 1:

Jab down the centreline, shift and round kick.
Shift offline and jab to round kick.
Drop the level, jab to the body to round kick.

Part 2:
Uppercut to round kick.
Shovel hook to round kick.
Body hook to round kick.
Head hook to round kick.
Feint to round kick.

Rear hand punch to front leg to his inner thigh.
Part 1:

Drop your level to body cross to inner kick.
Shift offline and cross to inner kick.
Cross down the centreline to shift and inner kick.

Part 2:
Rear uppercut to inner kick.
Head hook to inner kick.
Body hook to inner kick.
Shovel hook to inner kick.

All together:
Any of the above, one for one and keeping it alive. As always, lots of partner changes for different energies, ranges and motion.

Thai 4 counts on the pads for 3 minute rounds.
Round 1:

Inner thigh kick (lead leg) to cross - left hook to inner thigh kick.
As above but finish with a rear kick to the outer thigh.

Round 2:
Rear kick to outer thigh to left hook - right cross to inner thigh kick.
As above but finish with a rear kick to the outer thigh.

Double stick

Standard 6 count sinawali
right forehand (head height) - left backhand (low) - right backhand (head) left forehand (head) - right backhand (low) left backhand (head). Chamber each strike, work slow with flow rather than fast and clunky.

The following video shows the basic pattern we worked to begin with.

We then added a variety of motions whilst working the 6 count:
1: walking the circle clockwise and anti-clockwise
2: forwards and backwards
3: one person goes down on one knee, then both knees then post up on the other foot to standing. When back on the feet, the other person goes down to the floor.

Standard 8 count sinawali
As previously, chamber every strike and work slow with flow and not fast and clunky. If the strike is not fully chambered then the follow up strike will be uncertain. The full chamber shows you where the next strike comes from.
right forehand (head height) - right backhand (low) - left backhand (low) - right backhand (head) left forehand (head) - left backhand (low) - right backhand (low) - left backhand (head).

Putting together the 6 and the 8 count - 6 count into 8 count into 6 count and so on. It helped when the more experienced partner called the count.

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