Thursday, 1 September 2016

1/9/16: boxing masterclass plus single stick work.

Boxing masterclass, lots of rounds, changes of partners and quality drill time.

The image of GSP is most pertinent as he used the jab with ruthless efficiency in his fight against Josh Koscheck. He coupled accuracy with a ridiculous work-rate, not only to sing the fight, but to break Koscxeck's orbital bone in the process. Sound basics and fundamentals are key. The same is in the grappling world. Roger Gracie is, agreed by most, the greatest grappler ever yet what and how does he win? He uses basic techniques but he is an absolute master of those techniques. He beats the best in the world with 'basic' techniques. Another example of building your arsenal on sound foundations methods.

Tonight, the boxing masterclass was focussed on the jab.

A:Jab B:catch and jab A:catch and jab

Jab v jab 'sparring', trying to land the jab whilst not allowing him to land.

High v low jab.
A only throw high jabs, B only throws low jabs.

Jab v jab plus cross
A only throw jabs, B throws jabs and occasional crosses.

3 jab cross defence drilling
A jab-cross B catch catch (catch with the same hand) and jab,
A jab-cross B split entry (parry and punch to chin or neck)
A jab-cross B catch then punch over the top of the cross

A: Only throws jabs with occasional crosses B: isolated to throwing jabs but has to use any 3 defences against the cross.

Phone box sparring:
Each person has the right foot forward and touches knee to knee, foot to foot. Any punch, any defence but stay in leg contact. Aim was to use body mechanics to throw the punches, use the elbows to open up the body.

Single stick
Revisiting the work from last session and moving it on.
8 count in air
A: delivers the 8 angles B: De-fang the snake (hitting the hand). Mirror their strike angle. Make sure you are out of range of his stick whilst being in range for your counter.

A: delivers the 8 angles B Mirror their strike angle, hit the hand then stab

Mirroring drill of the 8 angles
Both deliver the 8 angle pattern, making contact with the stick, follow through and hit with either a high forehand or high backhand. So...
#1 angle 1 followed by high backhand
#2 upward backhand followed by high forehand
#3 upward forehand followed by high backhand
#4 downward backhand (angle 2) followed by high forehand
#5 angle 5 followed by high backhand (I think)
#6 lateral backhand followed by high forehand
#7 lateral forehand followed by high backhand
#8 high reverse stab followed by high backhand

8 v 8
As above but without the follow up hits. Just like we drilled on Tuesday.

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