This is based on grappling and striking movements
ROUND 1 30 seconds per exercise
Jumping jacks
Alternate front jacks
Opposite knee to elbow (twisting)
High knees
Alternate front leg swings
Lunge and twist
Push ups
Long boat to knees tucked
Hip ups
Rocking chair
Jumping Jacks
Alternate fornt jacks
Knee to elbows
Deep squat and twist
High knees
Walk outs
Long boat to knees tucked
Bicycle crunches
Rocking chair
Push up burpees
ROUND 2 30 seconds per exercise, no breaks
Jab left lead
Jab right lead
Front kick left lunge and touch the floor
Front kick right lunge and touch the floor
High plank to forearm plank
Long boat to knee tucks
Twisting hip ups
Rocking chair
Squat to sit to roll back to stand
Jab-cross left lead
Jab-cross right lead
Alternate knees
Wide squat to swing the arm high feet together
Walk outs
Alternate s-mount (pivoting half pigeon)
Scorpion (belly down twisting to put heel on the floor)
Alternate hip heists
Triangle leg raises
Overhead deck squat to one armed sprawl
ROUND 3 30 seconds per exercise
Jab left lead
Jab right lead
Alternate knees
Jab cross left lead
Machine gun right leg
Jab cross right lead
Machine gun kicks left leg
Shoe shine left lead
Shoe shine right lead
Skipping knees
ROUND 4 30 seconds per exercise
Scorpion twist
Alternate hip heists
Rocking chair
Alternate s-mount
Upa-roll to knees and roll down
Side rolls with arm behind
Hindu push ups
Rocking chair to standing
Roll back over the shoulder stop when feet touch the floor
ROUND 5 30 seconds per exercise
Jab-cross left lead
Alternate hip heist
Jab-cross right lead
Side rolls with arm behind
Machine gun kicks right leg
Machine gun kicks left leg
Rocking chair
Skipping knees
Scorpion stand ups
ROUND 6 30 seconds per exercise
Walk outs
Shoe shine left lead
Jab left lead
Alternate hip heists
Machine gun kicks right leg
Jab-cross left lead
Machine gun kicks left leg
High plank to elbow plank
Alternate knees
ROUND 7 30 seconds per exercise
Long boat to knee tucks
Jab-cross-jab-double low round kick
Rocking chair to walk outs
Shoe shine left lead
Shoe shine right lead
Sideways roll
Cross-jab-cross- double low round kick
Long boat to knee tucks
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