Tuesday, 13 December 2016

13/12/16: panantukan, pad rounds and knife work or syllabus material

Off straight attacks (jab and cross)
1: split entry – arm drag (pull the arm in to your chest and drop the weight as you step back) – scoop the elbow – body hook-uppercut, elbow to the head with the free hand.

2: split entry – 2nd eye strike on the outside of the arm – elbow strike to the inside upper arm – arm wrench using a reverse shearing motion.

3: parry and eye strike on the outside – arm break – pak and punch – arm wrap (take the elbow to manipulate the arm) and thumb in neck control

Random round – feeder constantly changing the pads orientation by quarter or half turning away from the striker, so the striker needs to get in front and do the combinations. The feeder was making the striker work very hard whilst calling out the number of shots they should be throwing (1-5).

Thai 6 count
Inside lead leg kick – cross – lead hook - right elbow – long rear knee – outside round kick

The rest of the class split off to work on syllabus specific material, Nick and I moved on to

5 count sumbrada – keeping it tight and wasting no motions was the key aims.

3 knife strips
1: Against the angle 1 – inside ‘block’ and neck/eye strike, take the wrist and get to the outside with your elbow tight to the body and strip. Tight thumb control.

2: Against the angle 2 – get on the outside as you ‘block’ and eye strike and strip using the back of the forearm remembering the tight thumb control.

3: Against the stab to the abdomen – get the legs and hips back as you drop the weight and use the back of the forearm, reach above with the other hand and use the back of the forearm strip.

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