Saturday, 13 May 2017

13/5/17: Guro Terry Barnett seminar - boxing fundamentals and double stick fundamentals

Thanks to James for putting the time into to compiling the notes from the seminar today. Top quality instruction from Guro Terry Barnett to a room full of people wanting to learn, improve and evolve their skill set.


● Hands by eyebrows, constantly moving.
● Elbows in.
● Rear heel up.
● Circle in both directions and move laterally so you’re not predictable.

Rhythm Drills:

1. J (partner catches), you catch partner’s J, J (partner catches). Then your partner initiates the drill. Vary distance - so at longer range you would move in as you J and move out as you catch. At close range there is less footwork. Aim for the face not the glove.

2. As (1) but add a RC after the final J.

3. As (2) but add a LH after the RC.

4. Do drill (3) but with a third person who stands behind your partner and slowly walks to the L. or R. and you use your footwork to ensure your partner remains between you and the third person.

Off the Final Jab of the Rhythm of 3 Jab Drill:
1. Catch the J.

2. Zone L. and RC to the chin (your L. hand can either cover the L. side of your chin or the R. side of your face).

3. Switch leads using female triangle footwork but done as more of a Superman punch and LC to chin.

Off the Final Cross of the Rhythm of 3 Jab, Cross Drill:

1. Catch the J, catch the RC.

2. Catch the J, slip outside the RC and RC down the middle (like a split entry).

3. Catch the J, slip deeper outside the RC and keep your R. elbow tight to his R. ribcage, LBH, recoil then LH, recoil, then pivot off clockwise.


● 20% of full power.

● Have a gameplan and stick to it. Decide what you want to work on in an environment where you need not worry about being hit hard.

● You can put a pair of focus mitts under your elbows to ensure they are kept tight to your body. It also forces you to use body mechanics when punching.

● Use your shoulders to create space when on the inside - same motion you would use for a J or a RC.

Double Stick

From Closed Guard

1. Heaven 6. From a neutral stance - point your R. toe (like a cat stance) when doing the first 3 strikes then shift your weight and point the L. toe when doing the next 3 strikes.

2. One side feeds heaven 6 then when they want to the other side uses the R. stick to hit a forehand, forehand, backhand then the L. stick to hit a forehand, forehand, backhand. These are quick shots with short retractions. The non-hitting stick can be chambered on the shoulder like in open guard or just by your side. This drill develops timing and rhythm.

3. Heaven 6 then Standard 6.

4. Heaven 6, Standard 6, Earth 6. When doing Earth 6, when doing the first 3 strikes bend your L. knee so you’re in a lunge position then for the next 3 strikes bend your R. knee in a lunge position on the other side.

5. Start doing heaven 6 standing then continue as your partner drops to one knee, then both knees, then drops his hip and lies on his back. Maintain the correct distance to allow you to keep doing the drill then start to circle him while he is on his back and he will follow you. He then makes his way back to both knees, then single knee, then standing. Then you do the same.

From Open Guard

Drill 1:

1. Partner hits an A1 with the R. stick, you gunting (scissor motion with both sticks hitting simultaneously, the R. stick is lower and would hit the hand, with an A1 the L. stick is higher and passes the stick) as you zone L. Your arms with be crossed in the finishing position. Then both sides backhand watik.

2. Partner hits an A2 with the R. stick, you gunting ( the R. stick is lower and would hit the hand, with an A2 the L. stick is higher and passes the stick) as you zone R. Your arms with be open in the finishing position. Then both sides forehand watik.

3. Both sides switch leads by moving their R. foot to the bottom R. of the triangle and their L. foot to the point of the triangle.

4. Partner hits an A2 with the L. stick (forehand), you gunting (the L. stick is lower and would hit the hand, with an A1 the R stick is higher and passes the stick) as you zone R. Your arms with be crossed in the finishing position. Then both sides backhand watik.

5. Partner hots and A1 with the L. stick (backhand), you gunting ( the L. stick is lower and would hit the hand, with an A2 the R. stick is higher and passes the stick) as you zone L. Your arms with be open in the finishing position. Then both sides forehand watik.

6. You then feed for your partner.

Drill 2:

1. Your partner feeds either an A1 or A2 with the R. stick or L. stick in a random order. You gunting based on the angle of attack, not on which stick is hitting. For example, you could treat an A2 with the L. stick (forehand) in the same way as you would an A2 with the R. stick (backhand). Be economical.

5 Count Sumbrada

Drill 1:

Exactly the same as empty hand but the second stick replaces the checking hand. If ever you’re unsure of the placement of the stick, think of where the checking hand would be. This should be practised on both sides.

1. Partner feeds A1, you roof.

2. You feed A1, partner inside sweeps.

3. Partner feeds A3, you either drop stick (other stick comes underneath in a sandwich motion) OR wing block and pass it with the other stick.

4. You feed A5, partner wing blocks (other stick should be horizontal on top of his wrist with the tip facing you).

5. Partner feeds A2, you shield then feed an A1 and the drill starts again.

Drill 2:

1. Partner feeds A1, you roof.

2. You feed A1, partner guntings.

3. Partner feeds A3, you either drop stick (other stick comes underneath in a sandwich motion) OR wing block and pass it with the other stick.

4. You feed A5, partner guntings (hits over the top with the R. stick and passes with the L.).

5. Partner feeds A2, you shield then feed an A1 and the drill starts again.

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