Wednesday, 19 April 2017

18/4/17: boxing evasion methods, pad rounds and hubud

Shadow boxing warm up, no hands; evasive motions only.

Boxing evasion methods:

PARTNER A: Jab - hook or cross – hook.
PARTNER B: Slip to the outside against the jab, bob and weave against the hook.
With counters:
PARTNER B: shovel hook (with the outside arm) after the slip, body shot (with the same hand) on the bob and weave.

PARTNER A: Jab - hook or cross – hook.
PARTNER B: Duck on the jab (drop the weight but stay vertical as possible) and roll back on the hook, (as the rear heel is up in your stance, use the dropping of this to enable sound balance and evasion distancing).
With counters:
PARTNER B: duck and jab to the mid-section against the jab or cross, roll back and hook over his right hook, roll back against the left hook and counter with straight punches.

Shadow boxing using and applying evasive motions practised previously whilst facing our training partners.

Pad training – building combinations using the cross and hook.

1) & 2)
Double left hooks

3) ( pad holder throws left hook )
Bob and weave with hit through
Left hook

4) ( pad holder throws another left hook )
Right Elbow cover while long left arm covers their right shoulder
Due to right shoulder forward, we
Left hook
Right cross

5) ( pad holder throws a Right cross )
We slip to outside,
Left hook
Left hook

And breathe.


Lower grades were working neck clinch hubud, higher grades were working punching hubud.
Wave and hack change – off your initial defensive motion, roll the elbow over his elbow to control the position and hack forward with the chop to the neck. He will insert a barrier to block the attack, pak sau to remove the barrier seek the neck, this will then continue the drill.

Chi sau change -

Salute to arm break – On the second motion (when you use the back of the hand to pass his arm to clear the centreline), salute with your nearside arm to get under and control the arm, zone to the outside and slide the saluting arm down his limb to catch the wrist. Your other arm now acts as the fulcrum on his elbow for the wrench or break. Remember to apply pulling pressure through his wrist.

He counters the arm break by bending his arm, transition into a dumog arm pull into wrist lock number 1.

Higher grade hubud notes from James

Punching Hubud

1. Both in a R. lead, partner throws a lead, vertical punch, you parry slightly across centre line with your left, raise with your R. (can be a knuckle shot to the forearm), pak with the L. & R. vertical punch. The drill should have a ‘rocking’ back and to motion.

Switches From Punching Hubud

1. Out of R. lead, waslik with L. hand and step right foot back, partner steps forward and punches with L. you're on opposite side.
2. Out of R. lead, R. horizontal elbow destruction, and R. backhand, partner holds centre and you zone and wedge with L. (should be an eye jab), pak with R. and step forward and L. punch and you're on opposite side.
3. Out of R. lead, inside to outside gunting with R., pak with L. and feed R. backhand, partner holds centre you zone and wedge with L., pak with R. and step forward and L. punch and you're on opposite side.
4. Out of R. lead, L. cut punch over the top of his punch, he catches or holds centre line, pak with the R. and step forward and L. punch and you're on opposite side.

Wrenches and Locks From Punching Hubud

1. Out of R. lead, parry the punch with your L. and salute with your R. (take his arm of the 12 o’clock, ideally above his elbow) and flow into the arm wrench (L. arm wrenches as R. hand controls his wrist, pak and feed the R. punch again back into the drill.
2. As (1) but partner bends his arm so you cannot get the wrench, instead slide your R. hand so your last 2 fingers are controlling his thumb and the other fingers are on his wrist and use your L. forearm to dumog pull him into you then slide your L. hand down to control his thumb as your R. hand pushes down on his hand (like the #1 lock from the lockflow). You should either push his elbow against his body or bring it to your body before applying the lock.

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