Wednesday, 25 January 2017

24/1/17: Thai 4 counts and single stick

As I am currently yet briefly out of action with illness, James has thankfully written the blog post for tonight.

Thai 4 Counts

Done offensively then defensively:

1. Step-off jab, rear leg thai kick, cross (throw it without putting the leg down after the kick and kick the leg back like a superman punch), inside leg kick.
2. Catch the jab then do combination (1).
3. Inside leg kick, cross, rear thai kick, step-off jab.
4. Crush the switch thai to your rear leg and do combination (3).
5. Cross, inside leg kick, step-off jab, rear leg thai.
6. As (5) but throw the cross as a cut punch as he jabs.
7. Rear leg thai, step-off jab, inside leg kick, cross.
8. Crush the rear leg thai and do combination (7).

Single Stick

All of these motions are not ‘blocks’ but hits to the hand:

1. Your stick points down - roof block the angle 1 (drop your weight down and slice the stick from L. to R.) and then angle 1 down his centre line.
2. Your stick points down - umbrella the angle 1 (block like a roof but instead of slicing the stick from L. to R. just block then take the stick anti-clockwise behind your head) and then angle 1 down his centre line.
3. Your stick points up - inside sweep the angle 1 (zone R.) and reverse slash across his stomach.
4. Your stick points up - outside sweep/deflect the angle 2 (zone L. into cat stance) and hit down on the arm.
5. Your stick points down - wing block the angle 3 (zone R.), flip the stick then jab to the throat.
6. Your stick points down - wing block the angle 4 (zone L. - hide your L. hand behind your stick by putting the edge of your little finger against it), forehand redondo and jab to the throat.
7. Your stick points up - shield the angle 4 (zone L.), forehand redondo and jab to the throat.
8. Your stick points up - you see the angle 3 late so you pass it by shifting your R. leg back and hollowing your stomach and using your L. hand to deflect his hitting arm back into him and to the R. (not just moving it sideways) as you hit his arm over the top.
9. Your stick points down - you see the angle 4 late so you pass it by shifting your R. leg back and hollowing your stomach and using the back of your L. hand to deflect his hitting arm back into him and to the L. (not just moving it sideways) as you hit his arm in a similar motion to the wing block.

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