Saturday, 30 July 2016

CSW podcasts

Here are the video versions.I subscribe to the audio ones. Listened to the first 2 so far and really informative.

Bob Burgee & Alan Baker discussing ways to keep your workouts on track. Efficiently scheduling your workouts can accelerate the learning process and keep you on track.

CSW Podcast - July 12, 2016. Greg Nelson shares some behind the scenes stories of Brock Lesnar, UFC 200, Training Fighters, and setting up your Personal Workout Plan.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Pressure testing

A few things from last night that Steve talked about were:

Hit first and last. This will give a tremendous psychological edge.

Work the basics until the last day you train. Make sure you pressure test.

Following are a selection of videos showing different arts and the arts being pressure tested.

Lethwei is an unarmed Burmese Kick Boxing also known as Bando Kick Boxing. It is similar to related styles of Indochinese kickboxing, namely Muay Thai from Thailand, pradal serey from Cambodia, Muay Lao from Laos and tomoi from Malaysia.


Aside from punches, kicks, elbows and knee attacks, Burmese boxers also make use of head-butts, raking knuckle strikes and take downs. This may be due to the fact that lethwei was more strongly influenced by musti-yuddha than the other styles were.


Matches today are carried out in both the traditional manner and a more modern offshoot called "Myanma traditional boxing" which started in 1996. The latter was based on the sporting outlook of Muay Thai and uses a point system. If a knockout occurs, the boxer is revived and has the option of continuing the bout. In traditional fights, the winner is the first to draw blood which may be wiped away three times before victory is declared.

pressure testing of weapons - higher consciousness through harder contact!!

An interesting insight into using 2 attackers and how quick it can go wrong. I assume the purpose is to feel the pressure rather than being clean and effective in application?

Strategy 1 = Creating distance by use of pushes, strikes, anti-grappling and evasion
Strategy 2 = Closing distance by use of covering and grappling

There are many variations on this type of pressure test. It differs from sparring in that the people involved have different objectives. S1s play the role of the "defender", an individual trying to avoid contact with a would-be attacker. S2s play the role of an "attacker", their role is to capture. By defining the different tactics of these two people you create more intensity than you would find in a typical sparring bout (although we also train full contact MMA as well).

You will note in all the S1 vs S2 drills that the S1s are instructed to keep going after the headcage with everything. Other parts of the body are legitimate targets, but the head is preferred if it is within range.

Other variables on this type of training include multiple S1s and S2s, practice weapons and sensorary deprivation

28/7/16: Jab defences, pad training and knife tapping



1: Pak and punch
A jabs
B catch jab and jab
A catch jab and jab
B short pak to clear the line and hit off with the right hand followed by the left hook to the body.

After 3 rounds, A walks forward to B and B uses pivot or L-step to evade the motion. L-stepping is something I need to work on. Was very messy and barely accurate tonight.

Examples of the pivot and L-step

2: Split entry
A jabs
B catch jab and jab
A catch jab and jab
B split entry (parry right and punch left) followed by 2 punches.

3: Elbow destruction
A jabs
B catch jab and jab
A catch jab and jab
B rock back on the rear heel, use the left to guide the jab to the right elbow destruction, female step with the right as you attack with a right hammer fist followed by the left overhand to the head.

Some use of elbow destructions followed by a comedic rant with interesting undertones. His wing chun use of the elbows to destroy punches looks very similar, to my eye, to the Kali methods we have looked at recently.


ROUND 1: Jab-cross, he walks you down and L-step then attack with right cross-lead body hook-lead head hook

ROUND 2: Jab-cross, long fence with the left - right cross

Make each punch meaningful, keep the hands up at all times.

Working the footwork in the mirrors.
Working the footwork and the hands in the mirrors (1 count, 1-2-3 count)
The attack is stab to the head, bladder and stab to the other side of head.
Round 1 was passing the knife.
Round 2 was passing the knife but they replace your arm with a 2nd attack, cover the wrist immediately and then pass it it. Be aware of the bladder cut so ensure the hand being passed is pressed towards his legs.

Steve called this Who's the hunter? Meaning, in this drill, it is pretty grim being the person attacking with the knife as finger strikes end up in your eyes and throat. Thankfully, eye protectors shield the eyes and enable this type of targeting work.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

21/7/16: Muay Thai masterclass

Tonight was a focus on less in terms of techniques but more on drilling, improving and continuing to drill.

The crush

Solo and against kicks.
Compression: as the leg comes up, to the side and not in front, lift the toes. This makes the leg solid. If the toes are down or the leg it at 45 degrees, they can kick right through you.
Cover the head with the same arm as the leg which is being lifted. The standing leg arm extends towards his chest to disrupt his energy and motion.

When kicking, get the hips through, there is lots of motion. Use the shin on the lower part of the thigh and turn the foot out on a hard ankle.

Thai 4 counts:
- Inside leg kick (front leg), right cross, left hook, outside leg kick (rear leg)
- Outside leg kick (front leg), lead hook, right cross, insert extra hand check for the body torque for the outside leg kick (front leg)
- Outside leg kick (front leg), lead hook, right cross, inside leg kick (front leg)

Defending punches
against the jab-cross-hook by using the long arm stance, dropping the arms down on to his punches but not so much energy that it makes massive gaps. The block against the hook is the long arm brace into his upper arm.

Everything seemed so simple to the eye yet there are so many intricacies that make it all happen. Lots of practise and filming for refinement over the holidays needs to happen. I felt very mechanical and wooden but that is because it is a new skill. The first time we do anything, it is horrible. So with effort and practise we can reduce the horrible and make the movement patterns smoother.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

14/7/16: Clinch work, takedowns from strikes, takedowns from clinch

Moving to get warmed up.

Basic forward and backward rolling.

The following video is great for variety of rolling. I love the work he has put in to have such control. I don't know how practical this method of rolling is, as it is mostly seen in matted dojo. That is not to say that these skills do not have value for what we do.

I spent several years training is Systema and they have excellent methods for falling and rolling into the floor, which was always hard, often concrete. One of the points Nigel made tonight was about getting your hips to the floor as quickly as possible. If I was to fall or roll on a hard floor, it is the Systema method I would use because I got used to working on the hard, unforgiving floor.

From the 50/50 clinch: lead knee to inner thigh, rear knee to outer thigh

Holding the head in tight to your shoulder, pop it up by extending the arm, catch the back of the neck and snap it back towards your head as you drop your wight and level.

Come under the jab and move into him with the shoulder strike, squeeze his thigh between your legs as you take the grip around the waist with the hand sin the middle of his back (at waist height). Lever him for the takedown. Follow into top control (mount). Strike from this position, person on the bottom uses crazy monkey defence whilst trying to move.

Split-entry, drop your weight by attacking his elbow crease. His arms will be pinned to your torso. I remember Nigel saying, "step in (right), step back (left) and turn. This will apply the takedown. Keep the arm extended as he hits the floor, check the back of the head. Leave no gaps.

Same motions as at the start of the class. Knee to inner thigh, hooking heel to the back of the leg, step through for the throw. Keeping hold of the hand like above when he goes down to the floor.

The final throw or reap looked like osoto gari in that we used the back of our leg to throw him.

This video has lots of striking from the clinch. It also shows how much cumulative damage can happen from the clinch, both for you and him. But also because this is just a crazy fight where technique went out of the window and testicular fortitude took over.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

12/7/16 Manipulation of the structure

Warm up with hands only

Drilling moving away from the power of the kick, catching with an undertook and continuing to move around in the arc of the kick whilst holding.


- Kick for kick. Make sure the hands stay up and alive to practise good habits.
- Attacking the supporting leg. A kicks and B responds by attacking the supporting limb.

Just after the minute mark, is there any better video showing kick for kick. Watching this for the first time as an impressionable 15 year, I thought this was bloody awesome. 28 years later I still love the unrealistic majesty of it.

This video show elements of what Nigel was talking about tonight. When they have thrown the kick, attack the supporting leg as this will have greater effect on their structure.

Rear leg side kick - getting behind the kick, undertook with the rear arm and come across his centre/face/neck with the front arm.

Front leg side kick - much hard to do because of the closer distance and shorter reaction time. Nigel's cheat was swapping stance. If he has the left leg forward, you have the right forward. It is a low percentage move but success will be more likely from this position.

Other learning points:
Gauge the distance and nuances in the stance. Look for the tells of the kicks in other parts of the body.

JAB-HOOK (off the same arm) DEFENCE
Bicep brace - catch the jab, step offline and brace his bicep with the long arm to ABC

Crazy monkey - catch the jab, crazy monkey cover with the lead arm (elbow into his bicep), right hand pulls his arm in tight - complete with lead forearm strike into rear elbow to the cheek.

Instead of catching the jab, manipulate his energy and motion by scooping the jab to create the hook. If he throws to fast jabs, the scooping of the first one will cause the energy for the hook. Use the long arm bicep brace and then attack with the Thai clinch. Move him around to get weight on a supporting leg, when the weight is on the supporting leg, kick the inner leg. Just above the knee in the femoral artery to cause great manipulation of his structure.

Nicolas Saignac Savate

I love this video because it resonates with me. I love the idea of 'touching' him and him not 'touching' me. He moves with great fluidity and efficiency. When training in MMA I tried to apply the concepts from this video.

I know the class tonight was about manipulating the opponent, this video is a great example of how to manipulate his rhythm, timing and focus with evasion and number of strikes.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

7/7/16: shadow boxing, carenza and knife tapping

- Hands
- Hands and elbows
- Hands, elbows and knees
- Hands, elbows, knees and legs.

- Double stick
- Single stick L&R
- Single knife L&R, regular and ice pick grip
- Stick and knife, swapping hands
- Double knife, regular and ice pick grip


FEEDER - forearm hook stab - abdomen slash - backhand hook stab.
Key learning tips
- Footwork drilling: left 'cat' stance to right ;cat' stance
- Push the blade towards them

We worked:
- Footwork
- Basic drill
- Insert half beat strike to the centreline
- 3 taps per arms
- Feeder removes the initial tap
- Back to the basic drill

This video shows some of the tapping we worked on. Tonight we look using the back of the forearms and both people 'face' each other in that there was no back turning.

This video, at the start, shows the application we work.
Tap and pass the arm, crash in with the left shoulder and cover, thumb grip right and bicep wrap with the left (high on the bicep), weight through the arm and strip.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

5/7/16 boxing hands - body shot defences, single stick sumbrada and strips

As a warm up

Against jab, cross, jab and lead hook, cross and rear hook.

Using the elbows and forearms tight to the body and tight small turns to deflect the blows from landing on the body.

Body shot 'play'. Aim was to land on him and avoid him landing on you. 6 intense rounds that tested the resolve!

3 beat high box - the basic roll
No clicks - imagining the stick is a blade that cuts in a curve

Vine strips