Thursday, 30 March 2017

30/3/17: rounds and rounds of conditioned sparring; stick and knife



Even though numbers were smaller than usual tonight, everyone got to work with everyone in all the rounds.

1: Jab only

2: Lead hand only (any punch) – there might have been the occasional cheap shot with the right hand from a sneaky move to right lead. No names mentioned.

3: Body shots only

4: Lead hand v rear hand (both in left leg lead)

5: Both hands v both hands

The sparring rounds were constant hard work with very little rest. They were incredibly taxing as the rounds went on but bloody good fun. A true feeling of aliveness and being in the moment. A personal thanks from me to all the lads who were at training tonight as this was hard work that required trust and respect and thanks to Steve for facilitating so well whilst reminding us of:
• Footwork
• Head movement
• Hands up and chin down
• Control
• Pressure
• Being edge on
• Using the right pak to set up the right hand
• Controlling the range with jab
• Constant work rate
• Changing levels of attack



The right-hand side of the diamond – start in neutral, step out at 45 degrees with the right, the left then comes to meet the right but does not touch the floor, it moves out 45 degrees.

Drilling the footwork pattern and adding the stick and knife mechanics
1: angle 2 backhand strike (right-hand) with stick, while stepping off to the right
2: left hand high line stab with the knife, on the same 2 line, followed by
3: angle 2 backhand redondo (right-hand) with the stick
4: reverse stab on the angle #1 line

Drilling the 4-count pattern mirror fashion with a partner

Preceding the 4-count with other striking family patterns
1: Figure 8
2: Heaven 6
3: Angle#1 forehand – low backhand watik
4: Abanico

Application of the motions:
Person A: attacks with angle #1
Person B: Step off line, inside sweep with the stick and use the knife to check the weapon hand followed by angle #4 to the lower torso.
Person A: straight stab to the abdomen
Person B: zone right and drop stick right against the stab, maintain stick pressure on his arm as you stab over your arm to his ribs. Small redondo with the right hand followed by a stab over the top to the neck.

Steve illustrated the concept of hitting the hands regardless of what shapes the attacks take or when they come. Hit, hit, hit and hit; it’s the Filipino way.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

28/3/17: boxing 3 counts, sumbrada plus stick and knife



The following 3-counts were all about learning to develop and drill different options:
• Options to attack with variety in combinations.
• Options to crash range
• Options to fight at long range
• Options to break rhythm
• Options to attack from different angles
We need the different options so that we are not one dimensional or predictable or avoid getting stuck in doing our favourite attacks or strategies.

Long jab – long cross – long left head hook

Long jab – long cross – long left body hook – jab on the way out. These 2 techniques were worked with the longest punches you could throw; keeping the left shoulder forward and not being square. There was no stepping or moving the front foot as this would give him something to read. The image below is a good illustration of the length and body turn that Steve was requiring. Make the initial jab believable.

Jab – tight left head hook – right cross

Jab – tight left head hook – right cross to the body – jab on the way out. The tight left hook was all about sound body mechanics and tight hand motions. Once the jab was completed, (this time step in to throw the jab) do not retract as you would conventionally for the hook. The jab is completed and moves back a tiny amount so the arm can bend. From here, everything rotates as one for the hook. Make the initial jab believable.

Jab (slide and step to cover distance) – right body hook – right head hook

Cross – left body hook – left head hook. You must move in deep as either he jab or cross are thrown to get you in the correct position for the hooks. It was important to get deep next to, almost past them yet close enough to have the nearside elbow on him. This will minimise his ability to throw punches but also facilitate maximum positioning for your hooks.

Jab – right uppercut –left head hook. In between the jab and uppercut, bring the back leg in then lengthen the front leg to make sure you have a sound, short uppercut, not a long and looping one.

Conditioned sparring using the sumbrada idea – counter for counter
The first 4 in any order, 4 for 4.
Counter for counter – any 3 count whilst practising the different options.

The main flow of motions was a four-count using alternate stick (right hand) and knife (left hand) attacks. This might need some editing...
1: angle 2 backhand strike ( right hand ) with stick, while stepping off to the right
2: left hand high line stab with the knife, on the same 2 line, followed by
3: angle 2 backhand redondo ( right hand ) with the stick
4: reverse stab on the angle #1 line

In the mirrors and then mirroring with a partner.

Angle #1 (stick) - Angle #2 (stick) - Angle #1 (stick) - then 4-count pattern
Abanico backhand – abanico forehand – abanico backhand then the 4-count pattern.
Heaven 6 – Angle #1 (stick) - long backhand cut with the knife then into the 4-count pattern

Thursday, 23 March 2017

23/3/17: jab and cross defences, high intensity pad rounds and guard passing into arm submissions

Scoop and round kick

Jab: scoop right and cover with his right with your left hand, step out and round kick with the right leg to the outer thigh.
Jab-cross: catch the jab then scoop the cross as you round kick to the inner thigh with the left leg.
Three punches were then added as a follow up once the initial defence was given some flight time.

Split entry
Jab: parry right and split left followed by right uppercut then straight left.
Jab-cross: catch the jab then parry left and split right followed by left uppercut then straight right.
It was at this point Steve talked about how some of us were putting the brakes on our movements by either going slow and stiff. Steve was encouraging faster and lighter by letting the attacks flow.

Pak sau
Jab: right pak followed immediately by the right cross-left uppercut-right cross
Jab-cross: catch the jab, left pak against the cross followed immediately by the left jab-right cross-uppercut-cross

6 for 6
One person fed all six attacks and the other worked all 6 defence varieties. Lots of changes of partners and energies.


4 stations, 3 reps of each before moving on.
1: jab-jab-cross-body hook-head hook
2: uppercut-uppercut-uppercut-hook-hook
3: jab-cross-uppercut-cross-hook
4: jab- uppercut-uppercut-uppercut-hook

Tabata style rounds
1: jab-cross
2: cross-hook
3: uppercut-uppercut
4: overhand-uppercut

GRAPPLING – GUARD PASS TO ARM LOCK SERIES by guest instructor Marc Stock.
Guard pass

Grab the shorts at his hips and punch the hips down to the floor – one knee into the arse as the other leg posts out. Not too far away to lose balance and not to close so that he can grab it. Drive the elbow into the inner thigh of the posted leg - this will open his guard. As the legs open, drive the shin across his thigh and staple the leg to the floor. Pass the left arm under the neck and move into side control.

Americana (shoulder rotation)
With good chest pressure coupled with left shoulder pressure, take out the left arm and drive (GRIND) the forearm across the face or neck, he will want to defend this by pushing you away with the arm. As he does, clasp his wrist with your left hand, and with the aid of gravity, force it to the mat. The right hand slides under his bicep and clasps your right wrist. Rev the wrists straight then slide his arm down to the hip; then lever his elbow up with your right arm for the shoulder submission. Make sure chest pressure is maintained throughout.

Straight arm lock (elbow extension)
As you attempt the Americana, he will defend by straightening the arm. Maintain your figure 4 grip but modify by sliding the left arm under the elbow and using the right to turn his thumb to the sky. Additionally, your weight will slide forward across the chest, that is natural and will aid securing the position. To apply the submission, ensure the left arm is the fulcrum and add downward pressure on the right wrist to extend the elbow beyond it’s acceptable range of motion.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

21/3/17: trapping, conditioned sparring and knife sumbrada

Great to see Marc back in the class after being away working is miserable Brunei…

Shadow boxing warm up.


Pak sau and punch, he covers the centre with a palm block, you then take centre control with the eye jab. Come under your own punch and replace with the eye attack. Make sure the elbow is down and not raised at all as this will keep your attack tight and afford him no gaps to exploit. Have the fingers pointing to the far side eye as this will ensure control of the centre.

Short lap sau and punch, pak sau and punch to eye attack.

Pak sau and punch – he sends the energy across the centre, you use this for the jau sau (hooking palm strike to the face or jaw trying to get the thumb to the eyes). Make sure to step off line to get outside the arm to have a better angle for the strike.

Lap sau and punch, he catches the punch at the shoulder, drive the lap hand forward off his forearm to trap the catching arm against the chest as you rip out your punching hand. As the punch comes out you also need to step behind (in contact) to control his leg and ultimately, his base and balance. With the forward pressure in your motion, chop to the neck with the arm you ripped out and then cover and chop to the neck with the other hand.


One person jabs and the other person responds or attacks (depending on the timing) with a trapping method:
• Catch the jab
• Pak and punch before he jabs
• Pak and punch as a response to his jab
• Pak and punch as the jab retracts
• Lap and punch and step off line


Continuing to get flight time into the drill. Tonight, we were working smaller and tighter motions with the knife and increased control of the partner with the empty hand. As the motions become tighter, the ‘defender’ needs to move much more to get the body out of the way.
We revised the strip against the stab that was worked in the last class too; continuing to work it in the drill as opposed to a static technique learning situation. A further reminder was about not watching the knife as this will take your awareness away from all the attacking options and tools he has, not just the one you’re dealing with.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

16/3/17: thai boxing fundamentals, knife sumbrada plus strips


Shadow boxing warm up - head movement, punch defences plus footwork patterns

Long guard drilling
Long guard: left arm out straight down the centre, right arm covers the right eye / right bicep is against the cheek / right forearm is diagonal across the face so that the right hand is at the top left of the head / chin is tucked / looking through the eyebrows
- by holding the structure
- by moving into the position from the on guard stance

Crush drilling
Standing leg is bent, 'blocking' leg is 90 degrees bent with the thigh parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the body, toes flexed, long arm of the same side as the standing leg which is simulating pushing into his chest/head/shoulder
- by holding the structure
- by moving into the position and combining this with the long guard

Kick for kick
Crush the kick and return, first against the switch kick off the left leg, then against the rear kick of the right leg.

PAD ROUNDS - Thai 4 counts
Lead round kick - cross - hook - rear leg round kick
Lead round kick - cross - body hook - rear leg round kick
Lead round kick - cross - lead uppercut - rear leg round kick

5 count, building on the practise from last week. Trying to make the motions tighter and use the non-weaponised hand/arm to control his weapon hand.



Take control of the wrist and swing counter clockwise (with your left hand) so you finish with your palm up. Have your elbow pressing into your side for structural support and be off line of the line of attack. If he was simply stumble forward, the knife would be in you, hence being off the line of attack. Strip the blade out against the gap in his grip using the webbing of your right hand.

If this doesn't work, maintain wrist control with your left and use your right forearm against the flat of the blade. You move to being back on his centreline and feed the blade back to him by pushing your right forearm forward.

Step the right leg back as you come down on his stab with the left forearm, reach over your forearm and clasp his writ with your thumb and put the blade of the blade against his wrist to secure the position. Use the left hand to quickly 'slide' up the weaponised arm for the strip.

What a great class as always. On the way to training, I was listening to an interview with Duane "Bang" Ludwig on the Drunken Daoist podcast, and he was talking about how we need to be honest yet respectful to our training partners - we must feed them the right energy; too much and it becomes silly, emotional and senseless injuries occur, too little and they don't get to work with a decent energy and thus get a false sense of security coupled with crap technique. That to me feels like essence of this group; hard work, honest attacking and safe work. Challenging yet supporting each other. Bloody brilliant.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

14/3/17: footwork masterclass plus hubud

Tonight there was lots of time devoted to drilling footwork patterns and motions. All patterns were practised in left and right lead.

Western stand up footwork
Step and slide in 4 directions (double step)

Step and slide in 4 directions (double step) adding jabs

Slide and step (to cover the distance)

Slide and step (to cover the distance) adding punches

Pivot stepping


Putting it all together with just body movement then by adding punches.

Filipino footwork

Open and closed female triangle

Open and closed male triangle

Hour glass (symmetrical triangles, the point of the triangle is on the mirror line, double step across the diagonals)

6 pointed star (an overlapped male and female triangle, using a half step

6 angles (start from the centre, move NE, NW, E, W, SE, SW and in any order)

Putting them altogether in carenza then adding the knife to the carenza.

PUNCHING DRILL - attacking down the centreline.
(L&R LEAD) - A throws a jab, B pak on the centreline with the right, vertical left tan underneath to keep contact with the forearm, right pak and left vertical punch. The A continues as B just did and the roll drills keeps flowing.
Dagger pass change (A - pull the fist on his punch attack, B step forward and punch, A then continue the drill)
Lead elbow destruction change (A - capture the fist and destruct with the elbow, roll over and chop forward with the forearm, B puts up a barrier, A pak and punch as stepping forward)
Inner bicep gunting change

'ORIGINAL DRILL' - attacking along the neck clinch line. Just getting the roll of the drill, working both left and right.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

9/3/17: Carenza, jab and cross defences plus knive v knife work

All the following were 2 minute rounds.

Double stick

Single stick right hand then left hand.

Stick and knife stick in right knife in left then swap hands.

Single knife right hand then left

Double knife

Empty hands

As above but adding kicks and knees

Person A double jab with forward pressure and pentertration with both. On the 1.5 beat and light and fast. Person B catches both.

Jab cross on the half beat, person b just catches both as previous.

Person A attacks with double jab or jab crossPerson B splits on the second attack

Person B waslik (scoop) and short uppercut against the 2nd attack. Put a blanket on it then scoop rather than just scooping out of thin air

Person B responds with pak then forearm to the neck

Final round - put them altogether or in any order.

5 count sumbrada

Adding an extra challenge by inserting the feint on the stab then the angle 2 stab

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

7/3/17: kicking, Jun Fan counts on the focus mitts and lock flow.

A massive thanks to James for compiling the notes for the class tonight.

With partner - both sides in shin guards - one for one of the following kicks - strong eyes:

Rear leg thai
Inside thai (close the distance and kick with no telegraph) or put the jab in to hide the step-up before you kick
Rear teep to body or just above lead leg knee
Lead leg teep to body or just above lead leg knee (close the distance and kick with no telegraph) or put the jab in to hide the step-up before you kick
Rear leg side kick (chamber knee - use edge of the foot) to body or just above lead leg knee
Put the jab in to hide the step-up then lead side kick to body or knee
Oblique kick (stamp down) either to just above knee or raking down the shin
Spinning back kick to body (step lead leg across, turn your back and shift your other leg up so it’s almost parallel then kick out using your glutes. You should spot the target as you’re turning rather than spotting it then kicking)
Mix (1) to (8) above - one-for-one
Do any two kicks from (1) to (8) above in combination then other side goes

Focus mitts - jun fan 5 count:

Step-up lead leg round kick to body (flick kick using instep), cross, hook, cross, step-up lead leg round kick to body. Pad holder moves back the whole time.

Lock flow:

Numbers 1 to 16, left and right.
Lock to disturb - one side locks, the other side ‘disturbs’ the lock but doesn’t always use the same motion e.g. use shoulder, knee etc. so partner gets to used to locking out of a variety of positions.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

2/3/17: knife v knife masterclass

downward forehand - upward backhand - upward forehand - downward backhand - stab to the abdomen
on a partner
mirroring with a partner
The focus was keep the motions tight and nothing wasted or needlessly extended.

as above but adding lateral backhand - lateral forehand - reverse stab on the high line
on a partner
mirroring with a partner
passing - slashing then stabbing after each attack. The key here is to be behind your blade and always zoning offline so you are controlling the centreline and he is trying to reclaim it with his attacks.

One person feeding the angles (do not allow the defender to grab the knife), the other defending

any 8 angle non fixed sumbrada. This added an extra aliveness to the drill because he and you can attack along any line of your choosing so you are both on your toes and moving a hell of a lot more.

- dagger pass against angle 1
- palm up pass against the angle 5
- bong sau to rolling forearm against angle 1
- palm stop / back of the palm to scoop against angle 2

Then any angle attacking and any defence and counter 1 for 1 sumbrada. Knife work certainly is physically and psychologically intense, it is also incredibly humbling. If we had been using markers pens, I know that my arms, neck and shirt would have looked like spaghetti junction. There is no hiding in knife work

Somehow, you both end up hold each other's weaponised hand. Here we practised having a strong grip but being lose through the arms and shoulders so you can feel the energy. If I go strong arm them I am gifting him the lock or break. We looked at using the knee to break the grip from the outside. The same type of motion used in catch wrestling to break his wrist control when standing grappling.

Yet another staggeringly great class.