Thursday, 31 March 2016
31/3/16 Leg flow, boxing, pad training and grappling
From the clinch
- knee to inner thigh and opposing neck pull
- knee to the front of the thigh
- shin press to foot drag
- oblique kick to thigh
- chest shear and leg wrap (kick)
- hips behind for sweeping throw
Against the jab and wide looping right hand
1: jam the bicep, 2 punches and round kick to the thigh.
2: shoulder roll, 2 punches and round kick to the thigh.
3: bob and weave, right hook to the body, left hook to the body, left hook to the head
Pad holder throws punches on the high line or low line, puncher covers over and depending which way you cover, you throw either a cross-hook-cross or hook-cross-hook. You release the hand that is ready to go and not doing he covering.
Mount defence to sweep to escape
Cover from the punches then hip up and elevate him with a knee to disturb his base. He will post and wrap up one of his arms and tuck the head into his chest. Hip up to 12 o'clock then to 2 o'clock and sweep over into his guard. Secure his biceps and keep the head on his belly. Posture up, if he tries to punch then put the fingers in his lower abs, this prevents elevated punches and keeps them away! Post up on one leg, keeping the spine erect, then step up on the rear leg. Begin to strike the groin, this should open his legs, pass the leg and go to knee on chest with his arm pinned. Strike then escape.
The video below shows the sweep and arm take we studied tonight.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
29/3/16 Single stick, hubud and lock flow
Delivery systems:
Abaniko (fan strikes just on the high vertical plane, forehand and backhand)
Redondo (for angles 1, 2, 3, 4)
Figure 8 (horizontal, diagonal, vertical; each with the forehand and backhand variation)
Saksak (jabs, 5 on the lower semi circle)
Long range - 12 to 6, 9 to 3
5 angles - 3 variations (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), (1, 4, 3, 2, 5),
Circles (cones)- 3 up then 3 down
Small circles in the big circle (wand circles on the horizontal plane)
A lot was shown tonight, I don't think I have it all remembered but enough to work on. Make sure for balance and dexterity to work left and right sides.
The basic roll, the actual motions start at the 4 minute mark.
Steve talked about this as an energy drill that helps to develop clinch range, later on the knife is inserted to hubud. For me, the key was controlling the elbow. I either use a pak on the elbow or a thumb up jam on the elbow to control the arm.
Revision of the first 4 in the series
1: kotegaeshi
2: arm wrap and tricep pressure
3: upward shoulder rotation - figure 4
4: elbow up ikkyo.
Clips from the Gordan McAdam seminar
Where the strike happens in clinch work
How to train hard entry to clinch - Safely!
Clinch Masterclass
How to train hard entry to clinch - Safely!
Clinch Masterclass
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
22/3/16 Jab-cross-hook and single stick
Shadow boxing, hands only.
Aim to throw the body shots, making the defender move with purpose.
high - high - high
low - low - low
high - high - low
low - low - high
high - low - high
low - high - low
Any of the above in a light but fast sparring format.
Pad training: jab, jab - cross, jab - cross - lead hook.
1. 3 beat high box sumbrada
2. As above but with no stick contact to imply using a long blade. The sticks flowed better and the checking hand came into play.
3. Strip technique: He attacks with a #1, inside block and parry, step to 8 o'clock and stab to the face, lever and strip the stick.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Martial Arts bio
What follows is the third editing of my martial arts history with some updates and additions.
1993 - 1996 Lau Gar Brian Nelson and Curtis Page
1996 - 1998 Wing Chun (NWCA) Martin Workman
1998 - 1999 Wudang Taichi Chuan: (PTTCI) Ray White Dan Docherty
1999 - 2002 Old Yang style Taichi Chuan (WTBA): Paul Brecher Erle Montaigue
2002 - 2003 CQC: Joe Hubbard
2003: Warriors Escrima
2003: Harimau Pentjak Silat Scott McQuaid
2003 - 2006 Systema Greg Coveney, Darren Pickard.
2006 Wudang Taichi Chuan (PTTCI) Norman Jones,
2006 - 2008 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ricardo Da Silva.
2008 Wing Tsun (UKKFF) Lee Heron
2008 - 2009 Wudang Taichi Chuan (PTTCI) Norman Jones,
2009 - 2010 Wing Chun (WWCA) Martin Workman
2010 - 2012 MMA (PRO MAI MMA) Lee Aylett
2012 - 2014 Wing Chun (WWCA) Martin Workman
2014 - 2015 Submission grappling (PRO MAI MMA) Lee Aylett
2015 - 2016 Aikido (IOA) Ali Khan, Andy Roberts
2016 - present JKD Steve Martin
1993 - 1996 Lau Gar Brian Nelson and Curtis Page
1996 - 1998 Wing Chun (NWCA) Martin Workman
1998 - 1999 Wudang Taichi Chuan: (PTTCI) Ray White Dan Docherty
1999 - 2002 Old Yang style Taichi Chuan (WTBA): Paul Brecher Erle Montaigue
2002 - 2003 CQC: Joe Hubbard
2003: Warriors Escrima
2003: Harimau Pentjak Silat Scott McQuaid
2003 - 2006 Systema Greg Coveney, Darren Pickard.
2006 Wudang Taichi Chuan (PTTCI) Norman Jones,
2006 - 2008 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Ricardo Da Silva.
2008 Wing Tsun (UKKFF) Lee Heron
2008 - 2009 Wudang Taichi Chuan (PTTCI) Norman Jones,
2009 - 2010 Wing Chun (WWCA) Martin Workman
2010 - 2012 MMA (PRO MAI MMA) Lee Aylett
2012 - 2014 Wing Chun (WWCA) Martin Workman
2014 - 2015 Submission grappling (PRO MAI MMA) Lee Aylett
2015 - 2016 Aikido (IOA) Ali Khan, Andy Roberts
2016 - present JKD Steve Martin
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Gordon McAdam Thai Boxing seminar
Below is notes and a video as Gordon's experience and knowledge is galaxy away from mine. The notes are below to act as memory triggers for further practise and the like.
For me, this was my first formal Muay Thai lesson/seminar. I had plenty of nerves beforehand as I simply had no reference point to draw on. Gordon's style teaching instruction is direct, always highlighting the purpose and function of his material and fun. His power, technique and motion are staggering and testament to the many years of practise he has put in.
Now several hours removed from the seminar, I can still remember that his objective was for all of us to leave with at least 3 things. I left with all the stuff about the Thai stance, strong ankles to load knees and the up and over/through with the knee. And all for £40 which now feels like daylight robbery for the quality and detail that Gordon shared today.
Thai stance
• Hips over feet
• just out of range
• slow and relaxed
• see everything
• lots of motion represents an agitated mindset and burns energy
• slow and relaxed allows better technique, power and stamina
• high arms, keep them still
• strong eyes.
• Palm over palm
• getting in with the forearm strike; not just sliding the hands around the neck.
• the twitch for big strong necks
• elbows close like a vice
• striking with the elbow in to the chest from the clinch
• 2 escapes - pushing the chin and passing under the elbow for 3/4 back control
• don't give them the neck as this teaches bad habits, make them work for it
• keeping the hips away.
• Strong ankles
• turn the foot out, high knee lift
• up and over the chair
• the rhythm to the motion
• keeping neck control and knee striking the pads from the front and head control
• how to hold the pads
• drilling, drilling, drilling.
Tip on how to hold the pads.
• Wall training
• aim for the waist line at the bladder, no one is strong there
• knee then teep
• difference between a push kick, front kick and teep
• teep is an extension of the knee - the motion of the hips to get in is the same
• teep drilling - knee then teep.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
17/3/16 Footwork and single stick
Step and slide (mirroring with the partner)
Cross step (mirroring with the partner)
Male and female patterns. Female is the v step forward, male is the v-step to the rear.
High box 3 beat sumbrada
Adding the knife to the checking hand
Strips off all 3 attacks from the high box.
1: Against the #1: use the roof and crash in, wrap the checking hand around his attacking arm, almost like a tan sau, be ready to strike with the butt of the stick. His stick should be levered against your body.
2: Against the #1: block and check, step out and stab on the outside of his attacking arm, lever the stick down for the disarm.
3: Against the #2: block and check, snake your stick under his arm to the back of the wrist, have both hands on your stick for the strip.
These are quite difficult to articulate as they are fast, flowing and dynamic motions. The following videos show elements of what we were exploring tonight.
Some examples of stripping methods
20 clicks: Try to perform your 3 disarms within the 3 beat high box sumbradra inside 20 clicks; strikes on the sticks.
The best stick disarms: long range smashing of the hand.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
10/3/16 Energy drills, trapping, pad training and single stick
As last Thursday; start from outside contact range, pak and punch, tan and punch, pak and punch and continue rolling side to side.
Pak and punch, lap and punch, pak and punch.
Steve said that the concept of trapping is to remove the barrier to hit. You are only going to need one trap as the person on the other end is not going to give you the 'correct' energy. Create a gap and move forward.
All of the following traps were worked from outside contact range.
1: rear pak and lead punch, left tan and right punch, right cross pak and left punch.
2: rear pak and lead punch, he pushes across the centre so lap and rolling backlist into lan sau and punch.
3: rear pak and lead punch, he gives energy going forward, use this energy for a lap and punch,
We then did them in sets of four consecutively.
Here is an example of the lan sau (both shape and energy)
Round 1: Feeder throws a jab, parry and low hit to the body, lead hammer fist, lap and rolling backlist, cross - lead hook - cross.
Round 2: Jab, jab - cross, jab - cross - lead uppercut, jab - cross - lead uppercut - rear overhand, jab - cross - lead uppercut - rear overhand, lead hook.
3 beat high box sumbrada.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
8/3/16 Thai knees, Thai elbows, pad training and standing grappling
Thai stance - short, high hips, high hands and short guard.
1. Feeder jabs, catch the jab and cover his rear hand, turn the left foot out and have a strong ankle, lift the knee then push it forward from the hips. As the knee comes up, the right arm cuts into the neck fro the clinch. It literally felt like a jamming strike. Step away after the knee strike and throw an elbow.
2. Feeder throws jab then cross, capture the right hand, take a small step with the right, turning the toes out and having the strong ankle, strike with the left knee. Again, finish with the elbow strike.
1. Feeder throws jab-cross, pull down and tug the right cross as you step in with the right elbow (kiss the bicep style), follow up with left elbow, right elbow, right back spinning forearm/elbow.
2. Feeder throw the jab, step in with the left elbow, follow up with right then left elbow, finishing off with the spinning back forearm / elbow.
1. Jab - cross, bob and weave under the lead hook, throw the left body hook, right cross - left hook, bob and weave under the rear hook and you throw the right body hook, left head hook - right cross.
2. Jab - cross, feeder throws head high attack, cover with elbow up the centreline, step in with the rear elbow strike.
1. Feeder throw jab –cross, parry the cross and step in with a covering elbow, reach up, over and around for the standing guillotine. Get the armpit on the back of the head, get arm in deep and finish – left elbow high and on his shoulder, push the hips forward and lever his head.
2. As above but the guillotine is not deep, he gets his fingers in. Release the neck arm for the undertook, the left arm either pulls on his forearm or jams his humerus into his side (it just depends where his arm is) and reap him down to the ground.
Thursday, 3 March 2016
3/3/16 Trapping, pad training trapping and single stick
All from a left to left lead and out of range
1: Co-ordination drill: right pak and left punch, right tan and left punch, left pak and right punch and just keep rolling.
2: right pak and punch, inside left tan and punch, right pak and punch
3: right pak and punch, left lap and punch, right pak and punch.
4: right pak and punch, lap and rolling left backfist, covering pressing left forearm trap and punch.
3 minute rounds
1: Pad holde has pads nice and high to simulate the head and high tight guard. Throw 2 meaningful jabs, on the third jab, pak and punch.
2: As above but snatch lap and punch.
5 angles of attack
1: Right forehand to left head
2: Right backhand to right head
3: Right forearm horizontal left ribs
4: Right backhand horizontal right ribs
5: Right straight stab to the abdomen
Single defences
Against number 1: roof block, number 1 attack
Against number 1: vertical block across your centre and check, attack number 2
Against number 2: shift the weight and turn (cat stance), check left with stick vertical, attack number 1
3 beat high box sumbrada: The flow below is one the one we did.
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
1/3/16 Pad training, jab sparring, lock flow and locking out of striking
Jabbing the pads using step and slide footwork pattern in 4 directions.
Jab and he moves back as he has your jab timed in. On the second jab cross step in, pressure the shoulder and neck with your left and strike with the right cross.
Keeping the focus on footwork, combination was right cross, left jab (step in song the female triangle, v-step right), be tight at his hip and side as you throw the right body hook, right head hook.
Jab only. Light and fast, varying levels and numbers. Keeping it active.
1 to 4 and back to 1. Left and right side.
1: kotegaesi variation: take control of the thumb, rotate outwards and down towards the toes using a perpendicular palm on the back of his hand to apply rotation and control.
2: arm wrap and tricep extension (if looking the left arm, wrap with the left
3: upward shoulder rotation
4: extended reverse ikkyo
The video below shows a very similar lock flow.
1: Feeder throws jab, pal and biu to the eyes (make a simultaneous motion, cut across his centre to affect his centre as this will keep the right hand away), lap and punch, slide the punch down the arm to take control of the thrumb and apply number 1 lock to the wrist, turning out and down to the floor.
2: Feeder throws jab, pak and salute and you enter in, shear the arm (left pulls the wrist back as the right elbow wrenches in the opposite direction just above his elbow), control the thumb and use the forearm to apply pressure as you are in so close and tight.
3: Feeder throw jab and cross, catch the jab and parry the cross as you throat strike, apply the dumog pull as you step the front leg to the rear. This will greatly affect his structure, from here the upward shoulder rotation is waiting.
Jabbing the pads using step and slide footwork pattern in 4 directions.
Jab and he moves back as he has your jab timed in. On the second jab cross step in, pressure the shoulder and neck with your left and strike with the right cross.
Keeping the focus on footwork, combination was right cross, left jab (step in song the female triangle, v-step right), be tight at his hip and side as you throw the right body hook, right head hook.
Jab only. Light and fast, varying levels and numbers. Keeping it active.
1 to 4 and back to 1. Left and right side.
1: kotegaesi variation: take control of the thumb, rotate outwards and down towards the toes using a perpendicular palm on the back of his hand to apply rotation and control.
2: arm wrap and tricep extension (if looking the left arm, wrap with the left
3: upward shoulder rotation
4: extended reverse ikkyo
The video below shows a very similar lock flow.
1: Feeder throws jab, pal and biu to the eyes (make a simultaneous motion, cut across his centre to affect his centre as this will keep the right hand away), lap and punch, slide the punch down the arm to take control of the thrumb and apply number 1 lock to the wrist, turning out and down to the floor.
2: Feeder throws jab, pak and salute and you enter in, shear the arm (left pulls the wrist back as the right elbow wrenches in the opposite direction just above his elbow), control the thumb and use the forearm to apply pressure as you are in so close and tight.
3: Feeder throw jab and cross, catch the jab and parry the cross as you throat strike, apply the dumog pull as you step the front leg to the rear. This will greatly affect his structure, from here the upward shoulder rotation is waiting.
bruce lee,
Dan Inosanto,
Larry Hartsell,
martial arts,
pad training,
Paul Vunak,
Rick Faye,
Steve Martin Fighting Arts
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